- Ross_the_Boss6’s Activity
I don’t think it’s Blizzards problem if people are wasting thousands of dollars outside of their game.People should take this as an expensive life lesson.
No fucking way is this article real.
Putting aside the bugs, a lot of its mechanics are very shallow and surface level. Going to have to say no.
Was able to snag the Halo Series X console/controller plus the Halo elite controller. Excited for both, but I’ve heard the Elite controllers have issues, so I’m worried what’s going to happen if this ...
Any MP focused game that isn't F2P hasn’t been paying attention the last few years.
@michaeldark: Why is “I respect mental health issues but” always followed by word vomit that shows the exact opposite.
Reading these comments makes me think of my girlfriend’s aunt and uncle. They’re the richest people I know and they’re miserable.Wealth and success don’t equal happiness or good mental health. Crazy p...
I was never interested in the single player of Battlefield games. They were always pretty lame. So no issue with a MP only game.
@rodster: Yep. I signed up because I was too lazy to sell my games online, and the membership gives a better price for them. Paid $15 for the year and have been redeeming my $5 every month. You have t...
It’s honestly a great deal. It’s cheap and you get $5 a month to spend in store. I usually go in and buy an Eshop gift card.
Yes until Forza Horizon 5. My god that game.
I don’t know why people think we haven’t progressed past the original Toy Story years and years ago.
@Dushva: this comment is one of the worst things I’ve ever read.
Might get it some point down the line but just started Demons’s Souls and then Rift Apart will take priority.
Maybe Horizon but no way on God of War.
Must be a slow news day.
I’ve been enjoying watching these on streaming but miss the theater. No way I’m watching Dune on a TV the first time.
Not sure why they bother. This is just free publicity for Sony with how much better their offerings are. MS should just focus on gamepass.
I mean I have a PS5 and have been playing PS4 games. There’s no reason to own either console at the moment unless you just really can’t wait for Demon Souls.The upgrades to last gen games have been ni...
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