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RotaryRX7 Blog

Two Years

That's how long it's been since I made a blog post (well, on June 8th). So, I thought I would make a post about not posting in a while.

A lot has happened since then...

I've bought tons of PS3 games.

I cancelled my Total Access membership here.

I bought a new car (Chrysler Crossfire).

I sold my RX-7.

I got shot in the arm with a 9mm Glock. (just kidding)

I still dislike cold weather.

New PC Equipment

I ordered a new monitor from on Monday, and it just arrived today! I'm on it right now, and I have to say, I absolutely love it!

I used to have a 19" CRT Envision monitor. Now I have a 19" SCEPTRE X9 G-Naga IV LCD monitor. Although they're both 19", this one seems to be bigger. It can also support better resolutions, and I'm now running at 1280x1024 instead of 1024x768. It's a big difference in games.

The image is crystal clear, and with the 8ms response time and 75Hz refresh rate, there's no "ghosting" or "trailing" effects like some LCD monitors do. (PSP for example)

If you're thinking of getting a new LCD monitor, I definitely recommend SCEPTRE. I'm very impressed with this monitor, and it's my first ever LCD.

Check it out here.

I also got a new speaker system a few weeks ago. They're Altec Lansing VS2221 speakers with 2 satellites and 1 subwoofer. It produces awesome sound, and even has an added feature where you press the SFX button and it produces a wide range surround sound, with only 2 speakers!

The past month has seen some great upgrades for my computer. Now nothing for my PC is more than 1 year old. 8)

My "First" Review

I just posted my "first" review in a long time (technically it is my second). Back in 2003 or so, I posted a review for the game F1 2001 for PS2, however it seems that GameSpot either lost or deleted all the player reviews for that game as there are now 0 (there used to be tons for that game).

So, if you feel like reading a review, or just feel like reading in general, check out my review on Field Commander for PSP. It's pretty long, but I feel very satisfied with it and was able to cover all the points I wanted to make. Let me know what you think if you do read it!

[Edit: After reflecting back on this review, I realize I have overrated this game. I'm such a noob. lol]

New Videos

I recently uploaded 6 new videos for the first time on my profile. Feel free to check them out!

At the moment, I have episodes 1-5 of "Battlefield 2 In Real Life". They're hilarious in my opinion, especially if you've ever played BF2, you'd understand what they're talking about. If you plan to watch them all, make sure you start with 1A and work your way to 5, otherwise they won't make much sense.

Also, if you want leave a comment on them you can do that either here or on the video itself where the comments are provided. Enjoy! 8)

Rotary Style - My User-Created Board

Well I just finished getting my User-Created Board setup. Take a minute to stop by and look at it. Keep in mind it's still a work in progress, but it's a start.

So far, I have a Union Advertisement section where anyone can have their unions up with a picture and link if they're interested. All you have to do is send me a link to the union and the picture or signature for it.

Also a Guestbook to sign to let me know that you've checked it out.

Feel free to start a topic about anything in it. It's an off/on-topic board to be used for anything. So check it out and let me know what you think. (so far anyways lol)

One more thing. If anyone is interested and has some time on their hands, could you make me a new banner for my board? The only requirements would be that it has the title "Rotary Style" in it, as well as some sort of Mazda or RX-7 or RX-8 theme to it. Also, be sure to put your name in a corner of it so that everyone gives you the credit for it! Anyone who does this would be greatly appreciated. :)

Total Access

Well, I did it! Recently my friend Stone2354 upgraded to Total Access, and I couldn't help but become jealous by the cool features lol. So, since it's such a small price, and I spend so much time here at GameSpot, why not?!

I'm all set for E3 now since I can get Hi-Res videos fast. It will make E3 coverage much easier. :) Woohoo!

Die, Glitches!

Well, the war between GameSpot users and Glitches has ended in victory for us users!

The site was down for a little while, and when I checked back, everything seems to be back to normal again.

Also, thanks to some folks at the Tech Support forum I got my HTML error sorted out for my sig (which is now updated).

Woohoo! It feels good to be glitch free!          ...for

GlitchSpot is on a roll!

Well it's been 2 days now since I have been having some extremely annoying glitches happening on my profile. Of course, they're not fixed yet because GlitchSpot is famous for these kinds of incidents.

Let's see some of the issues...

1. I cannot edit my main blog. When attempting to do so, it says someone already is using the title (well duh, that's ME GlitchSpot!) and it says my HTML is not well formed, and to check for open tags. Yeah right, that's why my stat counter and horizontal rule are currently on my main blog. Suddenly "the HTML doesn't work"?

2. I currently have 2 messages in my inbox that I have read long ago, and cannot delete for who knows what reason.

3. Occasionally I will click my profile and it says "Error: Invalid Board".

4. My level went up 0% from yesterday, and I was on for hours last night!

Edit: 5. My sig will not update.

This is a bad time for GlitchSpot, and I hope the get working on these's really getting annoying! :roll:

PS3 Pricing Was Mis-Interpreted

This made my day! After reading the European article about the PS3 costing around "$600-700 USD" I freaked out. Thinking it just couldn't be happening. Afterall, how would Sony beat the other next-gen consoles if their price-tag was hundreds more?

Then I saw this article, in the Video Games Lovers union where I'm an officer, and I was relieved to find out that the reporter mis-understood what Sony was saying. The value of PS3 is around $600-700 USD, but the actual consumer cost will not be that expensive. This also helps us figure out a more accurate guess to the PS3's price.


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