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Reflections of my media mind

Well I'm not too great at this blogging thing so I'll just do what I do.

Recently I sold most of my games to get some new ones; I got Max Payne, Resident Evil: outbreak, Aeon Flux, and Hitman 2: silent assassin, and am glad I did so; I needed a video game transfusion! I am also a big fan of video game movies, I know most are crap and not worth the money or the time of day, but I don't know why I like em', I just do. Don't be mistaken, I can tell which are actually good and which aren't, and depending on your own acceptability of video game movies, Hitman is one that rises above the rest. It holds relatively true to the games, and plays out like one of the games. Every movie has its flaws so don't expect Hitman to be the best movie ever, but it is worth seeing, maybe even owning it.

so, please read my video game reviews, and checkout my Deviant Art page here:

hasta la vista motherf*****