Its nice when you all are playing a single player game. for Multiplayer games, communication is important but if its a 6 year old then its not worth my time. Its also good if there are people you actually know in real life on your xbl so you can talk about things you dont want mentioned across the earth. And when is it not nice to talk to your buddies.
I have tried both games, I dont like Call of Duty at all. Gears is just so much fun and always something new. Remember when you saw that first boomer on wave 6 of Horde.. and how you freaked out your first time playing the game. Horde is so much fun, and the multiplayer is well constructed. Its still one of the genuinely good games that is still good the second time around. Call of Duty is all the same, all the time and gets boring and they have made how many games.... but thats just my opinion.... Everybody is a different gamer. =D
I am a girl gamer too, so I know what she is talking about. You can always be in party chat or just turn your mic off. If that whole ganging up thing happens again just tease then into betraying you and boot them. Having friends with you playing the same game helps a lot. If these things dont work just pay them back by BR ing them in the face. Like when it happens in Gear of War 2 I just down them and curb stomp them, hope that gets across the message. There are some really bad ppl out there its not just Halo. Soul Caliber IV is about 5x worse than Halo.
Well I have friends that are bent on just playing games for achievements. He didnt even Play Gears of War 2 online with all of his other friends until he got all of the achievements he could. I dont see how that makes gaming fun, so I dont particularly care.
umm its Gory all right. Even if you dont use VATS if you hit someone with a combat shotgun even if you are aiming at their torso they head will blow up and limbs will fly off. its not as bad as Gears though
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