"Innovation, there is no innovation. The Wii is gonna' suck and you all know it. The name is g** and the controller is screwed up, its gonna' suck"~Sony fanboy
Well whatever the Sony fanboys want to say about the wii, it doesn't bother me. I don't hate sony... eh who am i kidding, sony blows... but onto my topic.
The Nintendo Wii, if you haven't heard of it before, then you are probably on this site by mistake. Wii will be available with a wireless "nunchaku" (nun chuck) controller, with a completely different style of gameplay. I even believe (in some cases) that we aren't even dealing with video games anymore, come on you need to admit that this systems is pretty damn weird.
However, I hate sony and the 360 looks average. Wii is the only option apparently (let's see sega come out with another console! *Dreamcast nostalgia* :D......:roll:) Wii will have all of that jazzy stuff the PS3 and 360 will have. DVD player, online play, none of that stupid bluetooth crap. Plus Wii will have a nice price range, with a release price of 199.95$-249.99$, and games selling for 49.99 each. (Wut now sony!?:twisted:)
However, this system war could go any way (except PS3, please not PS3...) So I am still uncertain. Plus Nintendo has a good game line-up coming (red steel, smg, LoZ:TP, mp3, and ssbb) So let's hope at least none of the system's suck! :lol:
Also something i'd like to point out is how Nintendo has also kinda killed thier innovation (only in a small way) Notice how they went from cartridge (N64) then mini-disc (GC) and now normal discs.
Although I do not want to buy a Wii when it first releases, it's still my first pick. My reason is simple: if the wii is weird and sucks, then I made a bad investment AND, I like price drops a lot.
Anyways, thankfully nintendo has announced that the Wii could come out as early as October, and my descision to camp with the Wii with few games and wait for releases... is pretty much dead.
We will see which console is the best when they release. Until then, Wii will continue to wait. o.o