Rummy500's forum posts
You might want to look at some images on the web or some videos for how bad the blood is.
Oh and morrowind is... similar to oblivion. the dialogue options are the same just hardly any voice and its more like a turn combat system in morrowind and kinda hard to play but when you get the hang of it you'll most likely love it! OH and no fast travel. Oh hey get morrowind GOTY for PC. Because for those who love to have a little fun when they get WAY up in rank they have cheats for it too at! like unlimited gold and the ultimate spell, and making your character a bomb ready to blow up anything in its path all can be made through cheats in morrowind.
I gotcha man I'll help you as best I can. The blood when you slash is like one of those splatters you'd see in an 1950's horror movie. lol Then it disappears after 5 seconds. And nothing physically happens to the body that your slashin'z. But you don't seem to be that worried about the blood as much about something else. Let me know what your concerned about. I've played this game THROUGH and THROUGH seen everything.
Three Covey leaders and Three UNSC leaders. So there MANY units we don't know about yet. So lets play some FEAR 2 and the wait will be over before ya no'z!:D
She was not an illusion. Well not completly anyway. She had been dead for a while so the hive mind used her corpse to fool Isaac into helping it so when he saw Nicole he saw his girlfriend not the zombie in the ship. And the hive mind can make those corpses under its control do anything it wants it to even type or not attack Isaac. I'm about positive thats whats going on.
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