- Runeweaver’s Activity
I wonder how many of those players bought it on sale, It was 50% off within a few weeks and still only shifted half the amount they wanted, I guess the modern audience don't buy enough.
Perhaps making good games that people want to play would help more.
D4 felt too much like a drawn out MMO and not an ARPG, So after one playthrough I had enough and when they revealed the price of the DLC I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore.
Its insane they think Tencent will bankroll their failures and somehow leave control to the Guillemot family.
Larians actions they have gained Gamers trust and so that positivity spreads and others buy the game, Unlike Ubisoft, Blizzard, EA and Bethesda who have gone out of their way to rip off gamers and hav...
If I buy a physical copy of a game I want a disc not a digital code, This is just totally pointless.
The moment I think about the game the MCs face comes to mind, It looks like they stuck Kirk Douglas's chin on a very plain woman's face and then pushed the random button on the character designer a ...
Unless the game sells enough to appease EA which is very unlikely, I'm pretty sure dragon age is done.And Bioware won't be far behind unless they do a good job with the next mass effect.
@tbird7586: Underperform? Well thats the understatement of the decade.
They have taken everything that was good from the series and flushed it down the bog, So they can take all their copies of the game and do the same.
Well I'm glad all these trailers make it so easy not to buy the game, Few years ago I had a backlog of games and now I'm working my way through it because of so much trash being released.
Of course they aren't going to rush, They have got to get the mod income working dead right on Starfield and Skyrim first, Give the whales a few years of pay for mods on those games and then when Fall...
Same old Ubiturd cookie cutter AAAA games, Which we have to prepare not to own and prepare for an overabundance of MTXs, The last game I enjoyed of theirs was Fenyx rising everything else has become ...
@Subterfuge: Same, Plenty of games out their without touching anything by Ubiturd and EA.
@Mimbus: You don't need a psn account to play the single player part of the game, Only for Legends the multiplayer part of the game so I didn't lie.The game being delisted is another issue completely,...
Best part of the update is less likely to be accosted by pawns while exploring, Its really annoying when they talk to you at stupid times, Crossing a thin bridge and some idiot talks and asks to join...
Bugthesda called Starfield their least buggy game ever, Due to Microsoft they spent an extra year fixing bugs but still is bug ridden.
@hosedandhappy: I wouldn't call Diablo 4s player base very healthy, Its spikes for a week when a new season is released then 90% of players leave, right now on Steam its player base is around 7000 whi...
BG3 release price on console was lower than alot of AAA games and with no MTXs, So it was a great deal for an amazing game.
@BIG_BOSS_927: And why would PS5 owners want it?For the least buggy game they have ever release it sure has alot of bugs, And after each patch it gets more than ever before.
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