I wonder how many of those players bought it on sale, It was 50% off within a few weeks and still only shifted half the amount they wanted, I guess the modern audience don't buy enough.
D4 felt too much like a drawn out MMO and not an ARPG, So after one playthrough I had enough and when they revealed the price of the DLC I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore.
Larians actions they have gained Gamers trust and so that positivity spreads and others buy the game, Unlike Ubisoft, Blizzard, EA and Bethesda who have gone out of their way to rip off gamers and have hurt their own reputations and then complain when people don't buy their games.
The moment I think about the game the MCs face comes to mind, It looks like they stuck Kirk Douglas's chin on a very plain woman's face and then pushed the random button on the character designer a few times, She just looks odd and unappealing, I've no problem playing plain jane characters like Aloy but Kay is just so weird looking and the 80s hairstyle isn't helping either.
Runeweaver's comments