it's meant for PS2. I got it when when the Street Figher Anniversary Collection for PS2 came out.
From the looks of it, it seems I might need to buy a PS3 Hori stick.
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it's meant for PS2. I got it when when the Street Figher Anniversary Collection for PS2 came out.
From the looks of it, it seems I might need to buy a PS3 Hori stick.
I have one of these badboys lying around. I'm really excited about the release of Street Fighter 4, but I'm wondering if there's anyway I can use it for that game?
I also have a general question if I can use my regular Dual Shock 2 for PS2 games on my PS3 (I have BC).I hear that if I buy an USB adaptor, it will work, but once I start a PS2 game, I don't have a PS button to activate it.
Thanks in advance.
Man, I don't know what to do. I want to get the game, but I'm not entirely sure I will like it.
I really wonder why the demo is missing. Has this happeend with any other game demo?
I've looked everywhere on the PSN and I can't find it. I was under the impressions that demo's don't get taken down. Can someone go onto the PSN store and take a look to confirm it's missing? I'm considering getting this game, but I would really want to try it first.
Of couse I'm getting Wipeout HD this coming thursday but I also want a driving game which involves vechnicles with wheels.
So here are the choices I thought of:
Burnout Paradise (Older title and cheaper, but just got updated with bikes)
Grid (Played the demo, graphics are good, gameplay is good too)
Midnight Club: Las Angelas (people seem to be hyping it up)
Need for Speed:Undercover (NDS have gone downhill for a while...)
Possibly Motorstorm 2 or Pure? I'm looking into the more tradition racers though...
Insane Fast Sense of Speed is the biggest selling point for me.
So yeah guys, I need your opinions to help me choose.
Ah... So lets say the game takes 8 hours to beat. If my friend and I were devoted enough, we could have the full experience if we play it through the 8 hours.
How long would it take to beat in CO-OP on "easy" (I KNOW >_>)
Does playing the game on CO-OP make it generally a lot easier?
I just purchased a PS3 so I'm catching up on a bunch of games which I've missed out. One of which would bre Resistance. I'm already on the 2nd chapter of the game, but I have a question regarding the CO-OP.
If my friend comes over tomorrow and plays CO-OP with me, will it be actually the same as if I was playing alone, but I have someone to help me? (Same as in maps, locations, story, cutscenes.) or do we play a gimped side story?
Thanks in advance.
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