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"RAW is WAR...God of War"

Sittin' here 3am rockin God of War when all of a sudden i'm like "OH SH!T, those chicks are naked." Then there was this sex minigame, and I know by now you're calling me a god damn lier but, no joke sex minigame and when you complete it you get orbs. Not only that, the action in this game is so insane. You can pull off these chaotic combos and killing moves and magic and...I could go on and on but i'll spare you :D If you haven't already go pick this game up NOW! Kratos is pretty badass, maybe even more than Snake or dare I say it, Mario, well, maybe not Mario but he's crazy. He has no value for any life, even that pore captain that he *spoilers* after impaling a giant Hydra on the mast of a ship, throw's him down the Hydra's throat, yah its f-in crazy. These massive behemoths just come at you in waves and the gods are yellin' at you to dispose of them blah blah blah. I don't think I've even seen Kratos break a sweat yet, wtf this guy is a machine. Near the beginning of the game, Aphrodity tell's you to bring her the head of Medusa and you're like whatever, so then you go rip that biznatchs' head off and you get her powers to turn people into stone then blow them up. I'm only about half hour, maybe an hour into the game and i'm hooked. You can pull of insane combos and throw people in the air and slice them up. One of the hold moves you do involves ripping your opponent in half and throwing them what more can i say. Well I'll shut-up so I don't ruin the game for you...and so I can get back to it. So what are you waiting for GO now and GET IT!!1 AHHHHHHHHHH

Till next time,