Well its over folks! Yesterday I did my Social Studies and English Final Exams. Man they were hard. but those were nothing compared to what I did today.
Well I got up at my usual time, got ready and left at 7:30. Except I wasn't going to school! Skipper you might say? I think not!! For PE my class was going bowling! We were to meet there at about 8:30. My friend and I got there about half an hour early so we played DS for that time. Then we started.
I did ok. Got a few strikes. This one kid got an amazing strike. He bowled it right in the gutter at an angle. It jumped out and got a strike! In totatl i got about 4 strikes maybe? In 3 games.lol.
Then for lunch we went Wendy's. It was good. I had a frosty also. "The only soquid you eat with a fpoon". After lunch we started walking to school, getting there in time for lunch! I played DS for the rest of lunch.
After lunch I had my last class, Design tech. We had to do the most complicated final exam ever! We watched two movies. Barnyard and Monster House. They were pretty good.
So here I am. Tomorroe I'm going to the mall area. My brother said there was a copy of Metroid II in a certain location I will not tell you metroid II seekers. Well cya.