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It's the end of the weekend.....damnit.

This weekend was sweet. On Friday I chilled with some friends at my house, watched movies, and at pizza until about 11 when my new g\f came over. Her name is Caitlin, and I need to change my damn sig now...oh well, all in good time. I hung out with her for like 45 minutes cuz she had to be home by midnight, and then I played Halo 2 until like 4 o'clock Saturday morning. My mom was visiting my brother and sister in College Station this weekend, so it was just me and my dad.

Caitlin came over at like 9:30 in the morning because she was bored and my dad just left and let her wake me up, so I was sleep deprived for the remainder of the day. We went to the beach, surfed with her brother, and then hung out at her house all day and ate dinner there with her parents. Then we came back to my house at like 9, made out and hit eachother with pillows, and watched world cup soccer till 11.....i guess it's entertaining for her because she plays, but I think it's pretty damn stupid.

So I woke up today and my dad made me mow our huge ass back yard, which sucked. Then i got on here and start making stupid threads. I need to stop's not normal to have 15 suspensions is it? Anyways, I have to play drums at my church ill catch u guys on the flip side.

Early weekend.....siiiiiick.

We have good friday off from school tomorrow, so i surfed with friends today, bought my g\f the Crossfade CD, and im gonna have my first Halo 2 all night marathon in like 3 weeks. GT: waveRat, send me a friend request if I know you, because I effing own at that game. Can't wait till sister is coming home from Texas A&M College Station for Easter. Sucks that my brother cant come home, he's doing some bulls*** project up at U of H right now. C u guys later.

And all hail RyanTheGod.

My first ever journal entry.....spring break in Mexico.

Ok, so my parents own a condo in Mexico. It's about an hour west of Puerta Vallarta out on a point. As most of you know, we go there a lot to surf. It's a 22 hour drive, which really sucks. This past week I went there with my family, my sister's boyfriend's family, our next door neighbors, and their cousins. We all stayed in different condos. Unfortunately my girlfriend was at family reunion in like New Mexico or something, I dont even know exactly where. Anyways, one of my best friends, Steven, went down there also with his dad, step mom, brother, and step brother.....andhis dad could care less what they do. Now that I have set the stage, I will describe each day of my trip.

Day 1, SUNDAY: I awoke sunday morning after arriving late Saturday night. There was a good sized swell. Me, my dad, my sister, two of my next door neighbors, and my sister's b\f all took a boat ride out to one of our favorite surf spot, called La Lancha. It was 12 feet and grinding. I jumped out and surfed my ass off for 4 hours. I chilled on the beach until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and then went out to surf a place I have never seen get good. luckily, it was good today. It's called El Faro (meaning The Lighthouse). So I surfed there for another 3 hours with everyone, and we came home and slept hard.

Day 2, MONDAY: Monday. We surfed La Lancha again in the morning for 3 hours. This time it was about 10 feet and still super fun. At around 4, my friend Steven arrived with his crew. They had flown in. We hot tubbed for a while, and then went up to my condo. I had brought my Xbox in case there was no surf. There was surf, but it was dark, so 4 of us played Halo 2 for a couple hours, and then we went to sleep again.

Day 3, TUESDAY: We woke up and surfed another one of my favorite spots, La Ballia, for about 2 or 3 hours. We came back and swam in the pool for a while. Then me and Steven went surfing at El Faro again, which was sweet....again. We came back, and I decided to stay the night at his condo because my dad was being a b****. We got really wasted on Corona and Pacifico and walked around town drunk. We were trying to find a store to buy more beer for the next night. There was one right behind the condo complex, but we walked all the way to the highway and made a huge circle around town before we found it. When we got back, my sister and her b\f were in the hot tub making out, and they had a clear Coke bottle. They filled it up with water and kept throwing it in the pool. me and Steven woul race to find it. Im not sure why cuz we were smashed.

Day 4, WEDNESDAY: I woke up barely hung over. I have no idea how, but I did. We surfed some small waves out in front of our condo and had a lot of fun. Later, my dad got us all together, and we had an epic session at El Faro. There was no one else out, just our group. We were sharing waves, yelling for eachother, trying insane maneuvers. It was a lot of fun. That night, we got wasted again and walked around town trying to find some hott Mexican chicks to talk to. We could find any, but we found a hill and rolled down it a whole bunch. I dont remember exactly why it was so fun, but I remember Steven wanted to try and slide down on his feet. He didnt slide and face planted on the grass. It was really really hilarious at the time. Then we got back, hot tubbed, and slept.

Day 5, THURSDAY: I woke up with a royal hangover and couldnt surf in the morning, so I went down to an internet cafe, emailed my g\f, andhad a hot chocolate. I couldnt find Steven. When I got back up to my condo, I felt a lot better, so I got some people together to go surfing. But on the way, I threw my next door neighbor Chris in the pool, and then my sister threw me in, so we all messed around in the pool for like an hour. When we finally got to La Lancha, it was big but too windy. We surfed for like an hour and then went in. I got back and Steven was already destroyed from tequila shots and 16 Coronas. I only got buzzed, but Steven almost fell off the balcony of his condo, which really scared, so I decided not to drink anymore.

Day 6, FRIDAY: We packed up to leave, and then had our last session at El Faro. It was awesome again. Steven had really bad stomach issues for like 4 hours, which was pretty funny. We left and got back to Corpus on...

SATURDAY evening. There were a bunch of people across the street having some huge party, and I was bored, so I called the guitarists of my band, Ryan and Nathan to go mess with it. There were a whole bunch of tables set up in the backyard, and a live band...who sucked by the way. We put on camo, got on their roof, and started making dying cow noises... or something...they sounded really wierd. Everyone kept looking around, and we couldnt stop laughing. Finally, we climbed down and did a stealth walk through the bushes surrounding the tables, cuz they have a really jungly backyard. Luckily no one saw us, cuz we kept tripping over stuff. Eventually everyone went inside for some reason, and we ran out and turned all the tables upside down on the lawn. Then we climbed back on the roof and watched the reactions. We went home, played Halo 2, and went to sleep.

Day 7, SUNDAY: My g\f woke me up at like 1 cuz she had just gotten back into town. her name is Meredith BTW. My parents went to some luncheon, and me and Meredith had sex, which sucked cuz I was sore from surfing. Then I had band practice from 5 to 7 in the evevning. After that i was online for a while and went to sleep. Monday was school.

That was my spring break. Thank you for reading my first hournal entry. They won't be this long in the future, but it was spring break. Everyone peace out.