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Ryagan Blog

Six Years on GameSpot

Yesterday, October 31st, marked my sixth year on GameSpot. Wow. Time really does fly. I'm not sure why I'm bothering typing this because no one is going to read it, but it'd be weird if I didn't.

I spent my Halloween at a Halloween party, which was actually fun. I played Cards Against Humanity, had some good conversations with friends, and met some awesome people.

I'm not terribly active on this site, but if any of you are on Comic Vine, which I doubt you are, I'm active there.


I'm Getting Too Old for This Shit

Oh, look! Another blog post that no one will read!

It seems that whenever I try to sit down and have a good ol' gaming session, I get bored as hell. This upsets me.

I was feeling down in the dumps last Saturday (due to a variety of factors), and I had just taken a stressful test and was in need of some serious escapism. I busted out some old school Sonic the Hedgehog games, and I was just...bored. Could it be that I've played these games too many damn times? Yes. This same sort of thing happens whenever I play Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario Galaxy. I've played these games so many times that I just get bored. However, when I try something new, such as Jak and Daxter, I still manage to get bored. Am I just getting too damn old for this shit? I'm starting to think I might be.

It could also be argued that maybe my taste in games has matured to the point where platformers are no longer appealing. Is that possible? Maybe. Perhaps I should just stick to RPGs. I do enjoy Pokemon, and I enjoyed replaying a bit of Tales of Vesperia not too long ago. AND TALES OF ZESTIRIA COMES OUT IN TWO DAYS.

I mostly just typed this out so I could ramble. I need to ramble sometimes. The world is a frustrating place, and I need an outlet!

Do People Still Read These Things?

Do people still read these things? I'm guessing they don't, so it's very possible that I'll be the only one who reads this blog, which is fine, I guess.

I read over some of my old blogs, and wow: I was a whiny, angry, depressed teen who hate everyone. I can't believe how much I've changed. I was really bitter and had a negative outlook on life. I eventually realized that life was too short for anger and sadness, so I made some changes in my life, and I think I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.

Why am I writing this? I'm kind of back into video games now. Kind of. I stopped playing video games consistently for a couple years after having some rough bouts with depression and such, but I'm all good now. As I read over my old blogs, I remembered how much I enjoyed writing those.

What am I up to now? I'm in college and I work. That's pretty much it. I go out with friends on the weekends and play some video games when I have spare time, which I have a surprising amount of. In high school, I didn't have a lot of free time because I worked in the evenings and sucked at time management. I'm much better at managing my time now, and I don't work nights and weekends. It's niiiice.

What games am I playing now? Tales of Xillia and Pokemon Omega Ruby. Omega Ruby is a nice nostalgia trip. Xillia is...okay. I'm enjoying it, but it's not an experience that's sticking with me as much as Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia did. The experience feels strangely empty. I can't quite put my finger on why. I'm enjoying more than Tales of Gaces f or Legendia. Those games were painfully average for me.

I'm anxiously awaiting Persona 5 and Tales of Zestiria. I want them. Right now.

That is all. Like I said, I doubt anyone's going to read this, but I enjoy writing blogs from time to time.

Things Are Coming Together

Welp, my life is finally coming together! I got a job, and I'm going to college this fall. Hooray! Gaming wise, not much is new. I've been on a Sonic craze lately. I'm thinking of buying Lost World for the 3DS. I hope you all have a good Valentine's Day. If you don't have a significant other, then enjoy a fun night in! That's what I'm doing... Woo...

I'm Afraid This Is Goodbye...

No, this isn't because of the new GameSpot layout, but that still doesn't mean I like it very much. The community feels so disjointed now, and it's annoying.

Anyway, I'm afraid this is goodbye. Right now, I need to get my life situated, and that means I won't be able to get on GameSpot anymore. There's too much stuff I have to do.

Will I ever return? Yes, but it won't be for a while--and I mean a WHILE. I will return someday, but it's going to be a long way down the road.

Ironically, this is my four-year anniversary on GameSpot. I've made a lot of good friends, but many of them have left, which is depressing. I miss the unions, and it sucks that user blogs are harder to get to. Those were both stupid changes, GameSpot. Nice job there.

Until then, I have to say goodbye. I've had a lot of fun here, and it saddens me that I have to leave, but I also have my priorities.

Happy Halloween, everyone.

Hello? Is Anyone Out There?

The new design of this site isn't bad at all, but it doesn't seem as community oriented as the old layout. It'll definitely take some getting used to. Plus, this site still has some problems it needs to iron out.

What Have I Been Up To?

What have I been up to? Work and tech school. That's about it. I've been working about five days a week, and I go to tech school five days a week as well. Needless to say, I have a pretty full schedule. "Welcome to adulthood," right?

I haven't really been playing video games lately. I'll occasionally play some Sonic games, but that's about it. In my spare time, I usually read some comics or watch Smallville with my brother. My closest friend moved away, so I pretty much have no social life. :|

I have tickets to an early screening of The Wolverine this week. I'm pretty excited for that. I just really hope it's better than the crap pile known as X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I've read some Wolverine comics in preparation for the movie. I hope it's better than Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel. Both of those movies were disappointing. In fact, I actually kind of didn't like Man of Steel. Bite me.

Aside from work and school, I'm now volunteering once a week at an assisted living home. All I have to do is play the piano for a half hour. I started it today, and it was actually pretty nice.

I know this was short, but I don't really have a whole lot of new stuff going on.

Summer of Steel

Hey, guys. It's been over a month since I last blogged. I graduated from high school a week ago, and summer break has officially started. Right now, I'm going to school full-time, and I'll be working full-time. This summer's going to suck. :| Okay, so maybe it won't suck, but I'll be fairly busy. It's my last summer before adulthood. 

In my free time, I'll probably be going to the gym, playing some video games, practicing the piano, reading some comic books, and watching Smallville. I've recently become addicted to that show. With Man of Steel coming out next month, I wanted to get more into Superman, so I decided to read some Superman comics and watch Smallville. I had been debating for months whether or not to watch it, and my only regret is not watching it sooner! I bought the first season a few weeks ago, and my brother and I thought it was fantastic! I'm still waiting for season two to come in the mail... :x Yeah, sure, there are lots of "freak of the week" episodes in the first season, but I still loved it! I wasn't a huge Superman fan before this show, but it's converted me! Even if you don't like Superman, check it out! It's fantastic!


I've been on a bit of Sonic craze lately. I nearly beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but I got sick of trying to beat the final boss, so I gave up. I'm content with what I finished. Sonic 2 is still my favorite Sonic game, though. 

I'm completely out of my RPG mood. I stopped playing Final Fantasy X and Tales of Legendia. I hope to finish at least one before the summer is over, though.

Anyway, I know this wasn't that cool of an update, but there have been many times where I begin typing up a blog post but never actually submit it. So, this might be the most you'll hear from me for a while. :P

Never underestimate the power of spare change...

I had a jar of spare change that had been sitting on my desk for quite a whi le, and I decided to take it to one of those machines that gives you a cash voucher or store credit for all your change. However, I found out I could get Amazon credit, and I ended up with $65 of Amazon credit! Never understimate the power of spare change! So, you know what I did? I ordered Final Fantasy VII. That's right. After all this time of wanting it, I finally ordered it.

 Final Fantasy VII Boxshot

I've heard great things about this game, and it's basically the one Final Fantasy game that supposedly everyone has to try at one point or another. But I finally ordered it, so I'll see for myself just how good it is. Also, I started playing Final Fantasy X, and it's pretty cool so far. I also own Final Fantasy VI, but I have a hard time with some of the older RPGs that require absurd amounts of grinding. Also, I don't like random encounters that much. I know that FFVII and FFX have them, but I haven't had a lot of problems with FFX's random encounters yet. In FFVI, though, the random encounter rate is a bit too high for my taste. But I'll give it another shot. 

Also, I bought How I Met Your Mother season two. I already have the first and third seasons, and I have to say, this show is hilarious. The current season has been a little lackluster, though. It's time to meet the dang mother already! :x

Anyway, that's all I had to say. If you have some spare change, count it up and exchange it for bills. You'll be surprised at how much money you really have!