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Answers + A tough decision

For my first "ask me" blog, I'd say it was pretty... disastrous... I'm never going to do one ever again unless I have a lot more people that comment on my blog... But I appreciate those who asked questions. Anyways here's the answers:


[color=red]What is your favourite animated movies?[/color] Either Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke.
[color=red]What is your favourite Game?[/color] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
[color=red]What is your favourite Fighting movies?[/color] Does Karated Kid count? :P


[color=red]cats or dogs?[/color] Definitely dogs-- cats are evil!

[color=red]cake or pie?[/color] Probably cake, but I like pie a lot as well.

[color=red]What would you choose: Skydiving while trying to hold a dolphin( alive in a tank) for $1000, or licking envelopes for a year for $1000?[/color] I would rather lick envelopes, I'm too scared of heights to do skydiving (especially when holding a dolphin).

[color=red]Do you like wafffles?[/color] Yes, quite a bit, along with pancakes and french toast (song reference).

[color=red]Do you liek mudkipz?[/color] Yes, but I personally prefer Torchick (is that how you spell it?).


[color=red]Do you like pickles?[/color] Yes, actually.

[color=red]Why are pickles smaller than cucumbers?[/color] I believe it's because pickles are litterally pickled cucumbers.

[color=red]Which would you rather eat: a cake-flavored pickle or pickle-flavored cake?[/color] Cake-flavored pickle, a pickle-flavored cake would be... kind of gross...


[color=red]What's your favorite videogame series from Nintendo?[/color] I have a few: Zelda, Mario, and Super Smash Bros.

[color=red]What's your favorite color?[/color] I always tend to change what my favorite color is, but I'd have to say orange is my favorite color at the moment.

[color=red]What's the scariest movie you ever watched?[/color] Probably Drag Me to Hell. I will never look at gypsies the same way again. :lol:


[color=red]Mario or Sonic?[/color] That's actually a tough question. It depends on the era. I'd have to say I like retro Sonic games a lot more than retro Mario games, but I like Mario's newer games more than Sonic's, so it's a tie.

[color=red]Best Wii Game?[/color] Most people will tell you that the best Wii game isSuper Mario Galaxy 2 but I personally think New Super Mario Bros. Wiiis the best Wii game. I've played at my friend's house a few time and I've had a lot of fun with it.

[color=red]Worst Wii Game?[/color] Sonic and the Black Knight.

[color=red]Favorite Retro Console?[/color]The only old-ish consoles I've ever owned are the Sega Genesis and the N64, and while I did enjoy those systems, I would have to say the Super NES. I've never actually played one (though I have played an NES a few times), but I've played some of the Virtual Console ports and I have enjoyed them quite a bit.

[color=red]Favorite console in general?[/color] None: I like all of the consoles for different reasons.

Well there you have it. I actually enjoyed answering questions.

As the second part of this blog, I have a tough gaming decision to make that I'd like you guys to help me with. For Christmas this year, I can get either a bunch of Wii and DS games, or a PS2 with a bunch of games for that. For the Wii games I'd want Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and so on; for the DS, I'd want The World Ends WithYou, Chrono Trigger, Prefessor Layton, and Sonic Rush Adventure. As for thePS2 I'd want to get Ratchet and Clank, Jak,Klonoa 2, and Dark Cloud.What should I choose? I can't decide...