Desperate times...
by Ryeferd on Comments
In my last blog post, I mentioned that I would finally be going to college this fall. Unfortunately, that's not the case. My high school decided to screw my sister and I and didn't get our transcripts sent to us on time. This leaves me with a predicament. No school, no job, my best friend is now three hours away from me in girlfriend is 1075 miles away from me in Ohio, and I feel like there's nothing left for me here. I'm going to be 21 years old in November, and I feel like I need to do something packing up everything I own, getting in my car, and driving to Ohio to find a job, and an apartment or something. The problem is, I only have about $1500...but who knows, it could work out...right? I don't think anyone would be happy with that decision (Joe wants me to try to end up at school with him, my parents want me to go to the community college in January...even Caity wants me to take the SAT, and try to get into a school near her next year...and she'll probably think I've lost my mind when I tell her all of this) But it seems like the only way that I can be happy is if I'm with her...and there's certainly nothing left to hold me down here. and in the end, what's life all about? Finding a way to be happy in my opinion.