the last boring blog? (maybe)
by Ryeferd on Comments
- I got my schedule for the semester. I have don't have any cIasses earlier than 11 AM, I have wednesdays off, and best of all, no math until fall! :D - I've been working on a goodbye letter to all of my friends that I'm gonna post on facebook the day I's hilarious, and heartbreaking at the same time :lol: - We got our old bonfire pit up and running again for another winter break full of nights no one will remember :) - 15 days from now, I'll be on a plane for the first time :o - I think the weather is trying to prepare me for the's been about ten degrees below average for the past few weeks :shock: Thats about it for now. expect my blogs to get more interesting in the coming weeks/months :P Currently listening too: The World/Inferno Friendship Society 'Me v. The Angry Mob'