PS4, and not just bc of all the bad press its been getting, I genuinely just miss the Playstation exclusives. I own a 360 rite now, and zero regrets, I play games with it everyday and I love it. But Playstation in general has always had better games. What would I be missing out on? I'm not a big Gears of War guy, I love Halo but I'm kinda growin out of it, I love Forza but PS4 will have tonsa driving games too. I don't believe every single X1 rumor, I'm sure some of its bullshit, but the whole console just feels like its gonna be more hassle then its worth, that ill wind up just buying all my games for the PS4 anyways and using the X1 as a paperweight.
I'm really not married to any company really, right now on my TV I have a Colecovision, Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2, and a 360. So yea.
I'm not a fanboy for either, over the years I've always bought based on wat looks best. I had a ps1 in the 90s, a PS2 in early 2000s, and rightfully so original Xbox was a big brick of a console with huge annoying, clunky controllers, and a limited library of games that just mimicked Ps2's aside from Halo and a few other titles. I did eventually buy one, but mainly just to play the Halo's. I now own a 360 and have zero regrets. Except Metal Gear Solid 4. Regret that one a lot. I just never had the money for both consoles. I went with the 360 because I witnessed my friend's PS3 catch fire, so that sealed that deal. I've never once had problems with my 360 slim, I use it everyday and love the shit out of it. That being said, I'm going PS4, not cuz of the rumors, not cuz of fantasy football, although those are becoming a kicker, but I miss the Playstation franchises, and wanna play those more then I wanna play more Halo games. If I could afford both, I would get both, and most likely play PS4 90% more then Xbox One, that's what I envision.
I wanna say Rainbow Six for PS1, but that game sucks. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for N64 were the first ones that grabbed me. Esp the multiplayer. Then Quake, Unreal Tournament, Halo 1, Red Faction...
THANK you. At least 5 years ago u were either into Halo or CoD, and now everyones always playing Black Ops 2. Everyone. Wtf happened to enjoying a good story? I play it sometimes with my friend whose obsessed and all it is is running around dying every 5 seconds, killing a few people, repeat. It gets real boring real quick for me. Anyone on here play Borderlands?? I just picked up the first one, and its a fantastic game. Controls are exactly the same as CoD, but the graphics are much better done, cell shading I think, story is interesting with RPG elements, the location and characters are so much more original. But it lives in the shadow of CoD, and so only gamers who wanna branch out wind up trying it, and its a GREAT game. I can't wait to finish it and play Borderlands 2.
I never got big into straight-up RPG's like Final Fantasy, I just never dug turn-based battles. Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast managed to suck me in though. There's still a lot of titles from this generation I intend to play, Star Ocean, Lost Eden, MGS4 (the only one I never beat), Heavy Rain...
Catherine. Not quite an adventure game, its equally a puzzle game, but hands-down my favorite game this generation. Its one of the most interesting an unique games I've come across, and really one that taught me a lot about myself. I loved Sonic Generations too. Totally not an adventure game tho its a platformer. Perfect for anyone who was a Genesis kid back in the 90s like me, it just takes u back to that classic 16-bit 2D Sonic gameplay thats untouchable. I never took to the 3D Sonic gameplay as much, its good but Sonic belongs in that timeless 2D sidescrolling-platformer format that's just balls-to-the-wall awesome. Generations is the perfect mix of the two, each level is excellent and the mechanics are pretty flawless.
What do you think? I am of the opinion that they're all great, well-made games, and I have played them a lot, but I think they're way too over-rate. They're all incredibly generic, and perhaps that makes it appeal to a wider range of people, but I personally think they lack creativity in some ways, and are not that unique in terms of shooters. They've become the John Madden of shooters, where theres a new CoD coming out every 3 weeks its impossible for me to keep up. I try not to be a game snob, I do play plenty of the major "me-too" titles out there like Halo, Borderlands, and Fallout, but whenever I play CoD I get bored nowadays at just how its been the same shit for years, each game just has some improve graphics and maybe an expanded amount of weapons. They are very good games, and I do have fun when I play with my friends, but given the choice I'd much rather play Halo because at least Halo has a very unique quality to it. Sure, all those games are the same too, its just killing aliens, but at least with Halo, each game is a work of art. Theres a lot of creativity involved with the artistic, surreal landscapes and the austere personalities to each alien, and the somewhat tragic storyline that goes along with them. I'm not trying to dish on anyone whose into CoD, I don't blame u cuz they are great games, but I just wanted to share my opinions. If u disagree, u have the right its all just a matter of taste.
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