There are two people in my dorm that went to Best Buy at midnight and they each got a Wii and they got escorted out by two security guards! lol I've had the opportunity of playing both Wii sports and Legend of Zelda: TP! It was so awesome! I love the feel of the controller and the fact that you actually feel like you are the character on the screen. It was fun because some other guy and I played a tennis match and ours was the longest one in the room, but I accidentally swung too early and missed the ball and that set the game. I loved the feel of the Legend of Zelda controls! It was just so much fun to be able to actually feel like I was hacking away at something and blocking with the shield. I enjoyed it very much. Then I went to the other room where the second Wii was and I watched people play Red Steel and get owned by the AI because they couldn't figure out how to use the remote for some reason. One guy was running around the whole time with his gun either aiming up toward the ceiling or the floor! Needless to say he got owned horribly. I got to play with it as well and it was very enjoyable. I almost beat the first level and then this group of enemies with Uzis got me. Overall, I had a very enjoyable night and I'm really looking foward to getting my own Wii soon! :D
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