CARDINALS LOST!!!!!! DAMN!!!*caps*
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
27-23!!!!! I WAS RELIEVED WHEN FITZGERALD GOT THE CARDINALS A TOUCHDOWN, LEADING 23-20. But no.I was also relieved when the Steelers missed that pass around...i think the 1st and Goal. Then when they tried a second time......crap. I dont know how the Steelers got that pass through......The Cardinals had 3 BIRDS IN THE BACk, AND YET THEY COULDNT INTERCEPT THAT the Steelers a touchdown.....*sigh*...I also dont like how the cardinals ****** up i think on the 1st quarter....when they were i think on the 1st and Goal....That pass was terrible. It was intercepted, AND IT MADE HISTORY FOR A 100 YARD RUN....AND IT GOT THEM A TOUCHDOWN. I was expecting the Cardinals to make the touchdown, but nope. They ****** up. Ah the Cardinals still did quite well....Especially Fitzgerald. Props to him.