Curse Adult Swim and the changing of their schedules...and other news..
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
They yet again changed whats supposed to be at 12:00(well over here)...from a new(NEW!!!!!) episode of Bleach,to an old episode of 12 .Oz mouse which i only watched a few times with my friend Lester(Bloodnecron) when we were over at Reno(If you dont know what that is,its kind of like a smaller version of Las Vegas) and watching TV Late at night in the hotel room after getting bored of the Circus Circus arcade..Only entertainment i had at Reno was playing Starcraft Campaign on his Laptop...and a little Diablo 2,but his laptop sucks! lolz,it can play starcraft on the go for a duration for 5 minutes! Except he said its limitless if i play while it charges so...yeah..i did that...i played some of the zerg campaign then got bored..I had good times over there...Now i got like NOTHING to do these days! i will soon get an Xbox 360 and Halo 3 on my Birthday or a lil earlier..(I can Possibly get all the limited edition crap that you can still get if you didnt preorder halo 3) and a second controller to enjoy myself..But my birthday is in December 22,and that wont happen in awhile...*sigh* Wht are you guys doing these days?