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2011 and 2012 programming is looking awesome.

From the return of Futurama to the return of Beavis and Butthead the 2011 lineup was awesome if not great. 2012....Looking good.

We have new a Sealab 2021 replacement aka Archer +10

Some decent episodes of South Park and Ugly Americans.

In fact nearly every programming block has something decent new or restored on.

Me and my brother are addicted to the Reality show Swamp People (as much as Deadliest Catch I might add.)


Futurama Season 6 +10

Beavis and Butthead Season 9 +10

Archer ALL SEASONS +10 Season 3 +10

Bobs Burgers Season 2 +10

South Park Season 15 +7

NapoleonDynamite Season 1 +8

Ugly Americans Season 3 +10

Swamp People Season 3 +10


Family Guy Season 10 +10

American Dad Season 7 +10

Simpsons Season 23 +10


Allen Gregory -10

Barely watchable:

Unsupervised Season 1 +5

Why I hardly watch Adult Swim anymore.

Ever since they took Futurama off the air. I have lost interest. Most of the new shows are nothing but Live TV reality. I watch Cartoon Network for cartoons. I watch Adult Swim for cartoons. I refuse to watch AS until The Mighty Boosh, The Office, and ANYTHING by Tim and Eric is off the air. They ruined my Anime Saturdays. They made their sunday lineup a joke.

What does Adult Swim need to do? Get back the rights to Futurama. Take King of the Hill off the air. Get the rights to INVADER-ZIM. Get the rights to The Cleveland Show. Put American Dad on more than one night a week. Bring back the flash animation shows ATHF, Metalapocalpyse, Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo, ect. Get the rights to the old anime series back (Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo,) Get the rights to the dubbed Naruto and Naruto Shippunden. Remake anime saturday with actual shows we like. Show the unedited dirty Dragonball and Dragonball Z.

Never again put anything live back on AS!

[adult swim] on Xbox Live

Family Guy comes to Xbox Live

FOX recently signed on with Xbox Live Video Marketplace, and the first series available for the digital download-to-own service is Family Guy. FOX joins other television networks and movie studios on the service, including CBS, NBC Universal, Paramount, Warner Bros., MTV Networks and Lionsgate.

Family Guy was chosen to kick off the new content deal because of its attraction to the younger male demographic responsible for most of the downloads on the Xbox 360's Video Marketplace service. Starting next week, the series' first two seasons will become available, along with the Family Guy DVD movie/three-part episode, Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. Newer seasons will follow, with fresh episodes hitting Video Martketplace the day after they debut on television.

This is very cool news for Family Guy fans, but I wonder how many people will download the episodes, considering the fact that Family Guy episodes are fairly ubiquitous these days. They're constantly being shown on Adult Swim and TBS, and, with a syndication launch just around the corner, not to mention DVDs, it's not like fans have been left wanting. But hey, it's another way to see and enjoy the series, so why the heck not?

Clinton Wins

Clinton Wins Ohio by 54%
Rhode Island by 58%
Texas by 51%

Obama wins Vermont by 60%

We Clinton supporters are loyal.

When Barack attacked Hillary with the same ads as used in the 1990's to defeat universal healthcare (a core democratic belief) I decided right then that I had no use for him...those very ads will be used against him and the democratic party to stop universal healthcare from happening should he win the presidency... as well those ads brough back deep memories and heartache as we democrats watched our dreams go up in smoke as the GOP stomped on our belief system! Barack Obama had no right to use them against Hillary and core democrats will make sure he pays a heavy price for his actions in the fall ...

Middle names are not off limits...and neither is race...
The GOP will use everything against him, and what will happen? ANOTHER JOHN KERRY!

This phallacy that the Democrats will conform and unify behind the nominee if it is to be Barack Obama is nothing more than Phallacy.. Many of us have been with Hillary for (20 years or more) and I am not willing to support another candidate... We knew that one day she would run and now is her time...Barack knew this and he should have waited until she has had her 8 years in office...

I will guarantee that if he wins the nomination, millions of Hillary supporters (the CORE democrats) will not support him in the fall and this will probably cost the democrats the election! Barack Obama picked the wrong person to attack and mischaracterize... BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON were HERO'S to many of us and our support is genuine and unshakeable...

SuperDelegates: Clinton 256 Obama 203

Ron Paul Blows Volume 6 by Fred Stopsky 77 years old

A Christmas Tale: Libertarianism, Paulism, and Fantasy

Christmas is a time of fantasy and dreams. It is also a time when humans take pride in their relationship with other people and are proud to be part of the human community. During the past several months writing this blog, I continually encounter the Ron Paul/Libertarianism cohort who believe freedom entails being free of "coercive government" and a return to a time when people controlled their property and were free of nasty intrusions like income taxes and laws that said people had to behave in certain ways. So, this is my Christmas tale.
I was born at a time when the income tax took about 1% of money, when there were no laws guaranteeing social security nor minimum wages and workers could be beaten by property owners for daring to organize into unions. If a Catholic or Jew or Negro wanted to purchase a home, the owner could inform them of his right to be a bigot, and many a newspaper still had employment ads stating, 'No Irish Need Apply." It was truly an era in which "property rights" allowed a person complete control without any thought of civic obligations to fellow members of the community. And, of course, if you were sick and lacked money or had lost your job, there was always charity to pull you through. God bless the Salvation Army, just line up, bow your head, say a few prayers, and you got a bowl of soup and a lice infested blanket to use for sleeping. We didn't have any of that coercive government around to provide food and lodging for the poor. I guess, for Ron Paul, that was a perfect Christian world which personified the ideals and values of Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, for libertarianists, along came the evil Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal which began the modern era of "coercive government." Laws were passed stating employers had to pay minimum wages, had to contribute to retirement of workers through the social security system, had to guarantee safe working conditions, and drugs and products were inspected by "coercive government" to ensure health standards were maintained. Youth were provided money to attend college and the Civilian Conservation Corps was created to ensure young people had productive jobs. For their parents, the "coercive government" provided jobs through the WPA. Of course, these "lazy welfare bums" built great highways, halted erosion of soil, built schools and hospitals and community centers, all products of "coercive government" intruding .. rights and actually insisting the wealthy pay slightly higher taxes.
Coercive government got much worse in the 1940s and 1950s. The G.I. Bill of Rights paid veterans to go to college or trade schools with all expenses taken care of as well as living expenses. President Truman actually believed he had the power to "force" white soldiers to accept Negroes into their units, and that damn "coercive" Supreme Court had the nerve to state segregation was illegal. They even told bigoted property owners they could not deny Jews and Catholic and Negroes of the right to live where they so desired. The dream world of free people unfettered by "coercive" government was under attack. Why can't people be bigots? How dare the government actually say it was illegal to set quotas as to the number of Jews who could attend a college? To libertarians, this is a free country and people and institutions have a right to behave in any manner they so desire.
I am always fascinated reading Ron Paul and the libertarians when it comes to stating government creates problems. The Northwest Ordinance of the 1780s gave land to states that could be sold to build colleges. That, NOT FREE ENTERPRISE, is the source of most midwestern state universities. Tom Jefferson was the one who used FEDERAL MONEY to begin the first national road--later it became highway 40. The entire canal system of America was built with COERCIVE GOVERNMENT MONEY, and there would be no railroads spanning the continent without FEDERAL MONEY. Mr. Paul, is there something wrong with your theory of coercive government when Federal and State money is used to build transportation systems which then enable private enterprise to make huge fortunes and farmers to become productive?
I am frightened and angry at actions of the Bush administration which has made major assaults on our freedoms. But, I am also aware this generation has greater access to freedom of speech than any prior generation in American history. During WWI, President Wilson imprisoned dozens of people for "speaking" against war policies, including Eugene Debs, who ran for President in 1912 as a Socialist and got a million votes The other day I received a missive from someone who claimed the "coercive government" was taking away his freedom of speech. This person was writing on a COMPUTER and using the INTERNET--two developments that arose due to GOVERNMENT MONEY--and saying he disliked the government intruding into his private life!! The Internet and MySpace and Facebook have nonstop attacks on government by people who claim "the government" is taking away their right to attack the government!!
Ron Paul is a very decent man. I like him as a human being. He has admirable feelings and emotions and means well. Unfortunately, his ideas on economics, politics, and social interactions are more conducive to a 19th century society than one of the 21st century. He lives in a fantasy world that exists in his mind, but was never part of the reality of the American historical experience. The history of America from day one witnessed government money being used to stimulate economic development. We have traveled-- and still are traveling-- a long road in the quest for government legislation to protect human rights. Allow the ideas of libertarians or Ron Paul to become the norm, and the poor of this world will be subjected to oppression of the wealthy.
A few weeks ago, I wrote an essay stating that "I Am A Jesus Man." There is one thing I know in my heart, if Jesus Christ appeared tomorrow on his birthday, he would be on the side of government which ensures the dignity of human beings. As long as a child is denied decent food, clothing, medical care, education, and protection against abuse, I must use government to protect them. As long as working person faces poverty and charity to meet his/her needs, then I want government to respect their human dignity by providing funding. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was predicated on the idea that you didn't give people something for nothing, you provided work because people need work to maintain their dignity.
Let me conclude about a story which exemplifies the difference between Ron Paul and Franklin Roosevelt. In the initial days of the New Deal they were developing the WPA to provide work for the unemployed. Harry Hopkins, a close adviser, recalls that after finishing his conversation with the president, just has his hand touched the door knob, he turned around and asked: "Mr. President, what about artists and writers and musicians, should we also help them?" The president hesitated a moment, threw back his head and laughed while saying, "include them all." That remark led to among the most creative periods in American intellectual history. Yes, Mr. Paul, federal money paid musicians to play in Grant Central Station, it led to the birth of Black Theater and wonderful novels and histories, it led to capturing the folk music of Appalachian mountain people, and it meant millions had their human dignity respected.
Tell me, Mr. Paul, if Jesus appeared today, whose ideas would he support, your libertarianism or my ideas for government aid?

Ron Paul Blows Volume 5


Many of you are, & I am interested to hear the responses
I am not saying he is or isn't...

It's not about judgement - It's about discernment

It's not just about being Informed - It's more about being Enlightened .

It's not just about Revolution - It's also about Evolution.

It's not about a new President - It's all about a whole new Paradigm.

More than anything - It's a wake up call for Humanity !

Let's be honest, we haven't actually voted for a president for many years, their all pre-chosen for us, and if you think otherwise, look at the last 2 elections.....The fact is we need a whole new system, not a new president in the same system, we must all unite, and take the world back into The People's hands....

Ron Paul is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing....find out why

information has been posted several times in the past few months, and I
think it should be posted again as we are all trying to decide who we
want as our next president. We don't want to make costly mistakes. We
need to know the facts. We need to research the facts and not accept a
candidate's word blindly. Look where it got us. So, if you agree with
the following, please repost it.

The truth behind Ron Paul....

is plenty of room for countless opinions, but just in case you haven't
read the fine print, a reading of Ron Paul's stands indicates that
while he is for bringing troops home,
he is also
anti-universal health care,
anti-union and

He favors letting billionaires pay no taxes.

He supports corporate welfare.

He supports unrestricted and unlicensed ownership of any and every firearm ever invented.

Ron Paul opposes full funding of public education and the National Endowment for the Arts.

advocates Christian prayer in school. (great for Christians, but guess
what? We're not all Christians in this country and what about the
separation of church and state?))

He is everything bad about Libertarians combined with the worst aspects of Republicanism.

The only thing I agree with him about is he wants to bring troops home. But so does Kucinich. So does Gravel.

Paul is actually a right-wing extremist who just happens to come down
on the left side of ONE issue. The Ku Klux Klan supports him....what
does that tell you.?

So - tell me - if you support him - are you
also anti-choice, anti-feminist, anti-universal health care,
anti-environmental, anti-union and anti-regulation and do you agree
with the KKK?

Don't take my word for it, do your homework, but please don't follow blindly....we cannot afford to.


During his 30-year career in politics, Paul has made a number of offensive,
racist statements in the press and in his personal newsletter, The Ron
Paul Political Report, including:

* "If you have ever been
robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know unbelievably fleet-footed
they can be." - Victoria Advocate, 5/24/96

* "Given the
inefficiencies of what the DC laughably calls the criminal justice
system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males
in that city are semi-criminal or criminal." - Victoria Advocate,

* "Opinion polls consistently show that only five
percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the
free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative
action." - Victoria Advocate, 5/24/96

Sentiments like these are
probably why radical "white nationalist" David Duke, Grand Wizard and
founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has chosen to currently
feature Ron Paul prominently on the front page of ,
his personal homepage. Like Paul, David Duke is a failed 1988
presidential candidate.

"These comments are outrageous," said
Sklar spokeswoman Austin Bonner. "All children deserve our faith in
them and opportunities to learn. It is incredibly damaging that their
Congressman-a supposed role model-tells them they are good for nothing
but crime from the get-go.

KKK features Ron here

I looked and sure enough....there are a few articles about Ron
Paul...Interesting. Maybe we all better do our homework and not be
blinded by the anti-war rhetoric.

Funny stuff. Apparently not only are Ron Paul supporters' nuts, they also cheat. Shocking!!

Some of you may be wondering about the absence of Ron Paul from this months straw poll. Let me explain. After my decision to include Ron Paul in the previous poll, I monitored (to the best of my ability) the efforts by Paul's online supporters. With the help of other bloggers, we discovered a sophisticated coordinated effort to spam the poll, obfuscate their actions, and even cheat the poll.Shortly after the launch of the previous poll, I received an email from Jesse Benton, the communications director for Ron Paul's campaign. He was interested in getting information about what safeguards are used in the straw poll in order to protect it from spammers/cheaters. I made it clear that I was not about to share the details of what protections are place. His response was a bit less than amicable.

I found it very curious that someone from Ron Paul's campaign would have such an active interest in the GOP Straw Poll and specifically request such guarded details about it. This high suspect request, combined with the efforts of Paul's online supporters to spam/cheat the poll. Ron Paul has been removed from this months poll in order to provide usable data on the acceptability/unacceptability of the candidates in the race. As you may have noticed in the previous poll, people who voted for Ron Paul as their number one choice also only put Ron Paul as the only acceptable candidate - a voting behavior not mimicked by supporters of other candidates. This made the data severely flawed and useless as a barometer - even for an unscientific one.

So, that's all there is to say about it now.

General Clark Endorses Hillary

Today, General Wesley K. Clark announced his endorsement of Hillary for president:

"Senator Hillary Clinton has earned the support of millions of Americans in her campaign for president -- and today I am pleased to count myself among them. The world has reached a critical point, and we need a leader in the White House with the courage, intelligence and humility to navigate through many troubling challenges to our security at home and abroad. I believe Senator Clinton is that leader, and I whole-heartedly endorse her for President of the United States. Senator Clinton and I share a worldview in which diplomacy is the best first-strike tool in our arsenal; in today's complicated global system, the United States should be making more friends than enemies."

Never before have so many Americans had our well-being so closely tied to world events. Our economic and national security has become more complicated than ever before, and we deserve a leader who draws on wisdom, compassion, intelligence and moral courage -- in short, we need Hillary Clinton. She is tough but fair, a rock-solid leader equal to the many weighty challenges ahead of us."

The Truth About Fred Thompson.

Fred Dalton Thomson filed papers with the Justice Department in 1991 to represent Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide two weeks after he was deposed from power.

According to the papers, Fred Dalton Thompson stated his intent to lobby members of Congress and their staff, officials of the U.S. Department of State and the Office of the President of the United states on behalf of Presidente Aristide.

The website The Politico has obtained the papers filed by Fred Dalton Thompson at the justice department and here they are: Page1; Page2.

Fred Dalton Thompson received money payments from presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide with clear intent to affect changes in US foreign policy on his behalf. Claims that his actions constitute an act of treason were disputed by his spokesman.

UPDATE: Justin Raimondo has written an article that sheds more light on the Thompson-Aristide connection.

Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Conservatives Against Fred Thompson

An Alliance of Concerned Citizens

As per Debbie Schlussel:

Don't believe Thompson's claim that he understands the Islamist jihadist threat to America. His announcement, yesterday, of his choice of Spencer Abraham as campaign manager, told us everything we need to know. Although Abraham, of Lebanese descent, is a Christian, he is a career water carrier for Islamists of the most extremist stripe and made that the cornerstone of his failed, one-term Senate career and equally lousy tenure as Energy Secretary.


As a Senator, he took marching orders from James Zogby of the pan-Islamist Arab American Institute, opposing profiling of Arabs, the use of secret evidence against Muslims (at the behest of Muslim groups), attempting to repeal the Clinton counterterrorism package, refusing to fund computer tracking of student and other foreign aliens, giving millions in our tax money right to Hezbollah, and putting CAIR on the map on Capitol Hill (taking the group's officials around to meet other Senators and Members of Congress). He took campaign contributions from the relatives of Hezbollah-backed top Lebanese officials after he got the group millions in our tax money.

Spence was one of only two Senators in the entire U.S. Senate who refused to sign a letter calling on President Clinton to condemn Palestinian terrorism and Yasser Arafat. This was at the height of a series of homicide bombings in Israel in 1999 and 2000.


Michelle Malkin adds that besides being an Islamist sympathyzer, Spencer Abraham is also an Open Borders advocate:

In my 2002 book Invasion (p. 71, 76), I noted the open-borders obstructionism of former Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Michigan), who fought to block the implementation of two different tracking databases-one for foreign student visa holders and the other for all temporary visitors (which was mandated by Section 110 of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act). Abraham led efforts to starve the first database of funding and crusaded several times to kill Section 110 altogether. On September 11, 2001, neither of those databases was in place. To this day, they remain incomplete.


This thoroughly researched article by Richard Viguerie sums up what conservatives can expect from Fred Dalton Thompson were he to become the next president. Here is an excerpt:

Conservatives who look to Thompson for salvation need to pause and consider his record-a record that includes these votes:

FOR restricting the rights of grassroots organizations to communicate with the public. See ACU's vote 3, 1998.

FOR allowing the IRS to require political and policy organizations to disclose their membership-a vote against the constitutional rights of free association and privacy. (The Clinton Administration used such IRS intimidation against conservative groups that opposed them.) See ACU's vote 11, 2000.

AGAINST impeachment proceedings against President Clinton, specifically the reappointment and reauthorization of managers (drawn from the Republican membership of the House Judiciary Committee) to conduct the impeachment trial in the Senate. See ACU's vote 1, 1999.

AGAINST an accelerated elimination of the "marriage penalty." See ACU's vote 10, 2001.

FOR handouts to politicians, specifically taxpayer funding of presidential campaigns. See ACU's vote 6, 1995.

FOR handouts to politicians, specifically congressional perks such as postage and broadcast time funded by taxpayers. See ACU's vote 13, 1996.

AGAINST restraints on federal spending, specifically the Phil Gramm (R-TX) amendment to limit non-defense discretionary spending to the fiscal 1997 levels requested by President Clinton. See ACU's vote 6, 1997.

FOR affirmative action in federal contracts. See ACU's vote 9, 1995.

FOR the Legal Services Corporation, the perennial liberal boondoggle that provides political activism disguised as "legal services" to Democratic constituencies. See ACU's vote 16, 1995, and vote 17, 1999.

FOR an increase in the minimum wage, which, of course, increases unemployment among the young and poor. See ACU's vote 16, 1996.

FOR President Clinton's nomination of Dr. David Satcher as U.S. Surgeon General. Among other things, Satcher opposed a full ban on partial-birth abortion. See ACU's vote 1, 1998.

FOR open-ended military commitments, specifically in regard to U.S. troops in Kosovo. See ACU's vote 8, 2000.

FOR corporate welfare, specifically the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). See ACU's vote 23. 1999.

AGAINST worker and shareholder rights, specifically the Hatch (R-UT) amendment to require unions and corporations to obtain permission from dues-paying members or shareholders before spending money on political activities. See ACU's votes 4 and 5, 2001.

AGAINST property rights and FOR unlimited presidential power, specifically by allowing President Clinton to implement the American Heritage Rivers Initiative, which he established by executive order, without congressional approval. See ACU's vote 20, 1997.

FOR restricting the First Amendment (free speech) rights of independent groups. See ACU's vote 23, 1997.

FOR the trial lawyers lobby, and specifically against a bill that would put common-sense limitations on the medical malpractice suits that increase health costs for all of us. (Of course! He's been a trial lawyer himself for some three decades.) See ACU's vote 18, 2002.

And, last but not least:

FOR limitations on campaign freedom of speech, by limiting contributions to national political parties to $2,000 and limiting the rights of individuals and groups to participate in the political process in the two months before elections. See ACU's vote 7, 2002.


Thompson Exploited the American troops to Sell Identity TheftInsurance

Possible presidential candidate Fred D. Thompson is lending his voice to radio commercials for a company that says it fights identity thieves and that was co-founded by a man accused of taking money from consumer bank accounts without permission.

The one-minute commercials are airing across the country on behalf of Tempe, Ariz.-based LifeLock Inc., which said nearly 200,000 customers pay about $10 a month for services that include placing fraud alerts on their credit files.

LifeLock was co-founded in 2005 by Robert J. Maynard Jr., whom the Federal Trade Commission accused in 1996 of deceiving consumers with advertisements that suggested his credit-repair company could remove records of bankruptcies and delinquent payments.


In Thompson's commercials, the deep-voiced actor recounts a tale of military heroism in Iraq, then introduces himself and says LifeLock's service can stop identity theft and is offered free to deployed members of the military.

"While our heroes are protecting us, we have a duty to protect them," Thompson says in his familiar, folksy cadence.

"I urge you to contact LifeLock."


Fred Thompson's Anti-Gun SenateRecord

The Conservatives Against Fred Thompson volunteers have compiled a list of proposals supported by Fred Dalton Thompson in the senate that include Gun Bans, confiscations and limitations to the free speech of Gun Rights Advocates. Dates and bill numbers are provided so this information can be easily verified. Summary:

1. Anti-gun terror bill (S. 735 )

On June 7, 1995, the Senate passed an anti-gun terror bill (S. 735) by a vote of 91-8. This version of the terror bill included: a BATF pay increase of $100 million; a provision authorizing "roving wiretaps" allowing government officials to wiretap one's home if a person under investigation visits the home - even if one had no knowledge the person was a suspect; a weakening of the Posse Commitatus law to give the military more authority to get involved in law enforcement in certain circumstances; a grant of power to the FBI to conduct "fishing expeditions" and secure one's financial and travel records in certain circumstances without any evidence one has committed a crime; and finally, the "Randy Weaver entrapment provision" which extends the statute of limitations for violations under the National Firearms Act of 1934 from three to five years. Thompson voted in favor of the bill.

2. Anti-gun terror bill - final passage

On April 17, 1996, the Senate passed the conference version of the anti-terrorism bill by a vote of 91-8. The final version of the bill (S. 735) contained several problems, including ones that will: order an "anti-hunter" rifle and ammo study; authorize a $40 million pay increase for the BATF (through the Treasury Department); potentially punish gun dealers (and individuals) for selling ammunition to someone they should have known would commit a violent crime; federalize many state crimes, thus tremendously increasing the scope and jurisdiction of the BATF; restrict the right of habeas corpus in such a way as to severely damage the ability of the courts to rescue honest gun owners who are unjustly incarcerated; allow the government to use "secret evidence" against certain individuals; remove protections against wiretapping wireless data; and require banks to freeze the assets of domestic groups in certain situations. Thompson once again voted in favor of the bill.

3. Taggants in gunpowder

On September 12, 1996, the Senate voted (57-42) to keep an anti-gun amendment off of the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill (H.R. 3756). The Kerry amendment - which Thompson voted for- would have made funds available for a study of tagging explosive materials, including black and smokeless powders (thus setting the stage for registering ammunition). The amendment also sought to further demonize firearms by selectively examining the misuse of firearms by criminals. The study would not examine the number of times firearms are used to save the lives of decent citizens.

4. Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation gun ban

On September 12, 1996, the Senate passed the Lautenberg gun ban as an amendment to the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill (H.R. 3756). The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Gun Ban disarms gun owners for small (misdemeanor) offenses in the home - "offenses" as slight as spanking a child or grabbing a spouse. This lifetime ban, in certain cases, can even be imposed without a trial by jury. It is also retroactive, so it does not matter if the offense occurred 20 years ago. Thompson voted in favor of the amendment.

5. Free Speech restrictions

On October 7, 1997, the Senate defeated an "Incumbent Protection Bill" (S. 25) which would have resulted in the government regulation of GOA's newsletters and other communications with its members, while expanding the relative political power of the liberal media and other anti-gun forces. Senators failed in their effort, 53 to 47, to shut down a filibuster of the bill that was ostensibly aimed at reforming campaign finance laws.

6. Smith "Anti-Brady" Amendment

On July 21, 1998, pro-gun Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) introduced an "Anti-Brady" amendment that passed by a vote of 69-31. The Smith amendment would prohibit the FBI from using Brady background checks to tax or register gun owners. Further, the amendment requires the "immediate destruction of all [gun buyer] information, in any form whatsoever." Finally, if the FBI disregards this latter provision, the Smith language will allow private citizens to sue the agency and collect monetary damages, including attorney's fees. Thompson, in keeping with his tendency to usually vote for expanded federal police power, voted against this limitation of FBI registration of gun owners.

7. Anti-gun Clinton judge appointment

On February 11, 1998, the Senate voted 67-28 to confirm Margaret Morrow to the Federal bench. GOA vigorously opposed this Clinton-appointed judge, as she has not only taken strident anti-gun positions, she has showed herself to be a gun control activist.

8. Anti-gun Surgeon General

Having nominated anti-gun David Satcher for Surgeon General, President Bill Clinton was forced to wait several months as debate raged over his controversial pick. But on February 10, 1998, the President finally realized victory. By a vote of 75-23, anti-gun Republicans teamed up with the Democrats to kill the filibuster over the Satcher nomination. Mr. Satcher was later confirmed by a vote of 63-35. Since the key vote was to end the filibuster, that is the one that was rated by GOA.

9. Ending the filibuster of a major anti-gun crime bill

On July 28, 1999, the Senate ended a filibuster led by Senator Bob Smith (I-NH) - a filibuster intended to keep anti-gun crime legislation from progressing any further. After the 77-22 vote, the Senate moved to send the language of the anti-gun Senate crime bill (S. 254) to a House-Senate conference committee. Thompson voted to break the pro-gun filibuster.

10. Young adult gun ban

The young adult gun ban could severely punish parents who allow their kids to even touch a so-called semi-automatic "assault weapon." While the amendment allows for certain exemptions, there are some imponderable questions which NO senator could answer, but which a parent would have to answer in order to avoid incarceration. For example: What is a "semiautomatic assault weapon"? The definition, plus exemptions, takes up six pages of fine print in the U.S. Code. Second, a child can handle a banned semi-auto if he is in the "immediate and supervisory presence" of a parent or if he possess a written permission slip from the parent. But what happens when, during a target practice session, the parent walks to the car to retrieve his lunch and the juvenile is no longer in the parents "immediate" presence and does not have a permission slip? A parent can receive jail time for this infraction. The provision passed the Senate on May 13, 1999, with Thompson voting in the majority.

11. Adopting the "Gun Control Lite" strategy

On May 13, 1999, a majority of Senators - including Thompson - defeated a motion to table (or kill) an anti-gun amendment introduced by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Larry Craig (R-WY). This amendment was offered as an alternative to gun control proposals being pushed by Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

12. McCain's Incumbent Protection (2000 version)

By 59 to 41, the Senate passed S. 27, to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act to include Incumbent Protection provisions. The bill severely curtails the ability of outside groups such as GOA to communicate the actions of incumbent politicians to members and supporters prior to an election.

13. Incumbent Protection (2002 failed filibuster)

This was the key vote in the Senate regarding the odious Incumbent Protection bill in 2002 (H.R. 2356). The legislation finally became law that year. As he had on previous occasions, Thompson voted in favor of the bill.

Stop Spreading Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich Marijuana Groups

I hate the Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul supporters who always say Hillary Clinton won't legalize marijuana on a state by state basis for adults over 21. If it were not for Bill and Hillary Clinton we would not have Marijuana decriminalized in states like California, Nevada, or Alaska.

Hillary is for Marijuana Legalization but you will never hear her say it.

The Clintons donated to MPP and So you wouldn't have state laws like this:

If It weren't for: Bill & Hillary Clinton, George Soros, The MPP, Norml and

You don't know where your own donations come from? You will help republicans continue to screw this country?

read about her relationship [strictly ideological] with George Soros!

Newt Gingrich ruined ClintonCare in 1994 we would have a National Health Care plan NOW if it weren't for him. I guess you stoners also forgot about the Republican Revolution in 1994.

Let me remind you of some other things that happened in 1994 about Iraq:

Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Ever notice how much bad Republican Revolution stuff happened in 1994? Clinton Care in the gutter. This video.

In this interview from April 15th, 1994, Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldn't be a great idea. He also stipulates that "not very many" American soldiers' lives were worth losing to take out Saddam during the Gulf War.

Headzup: The Petraeus Report

A Ron Paul Warning.

Because it needs to be said… Ron Paul sucks. What? You want me to elaborate? Okay, let's start with this quote from John Derbyshire (of "the best thing he ever did was get kicked in the head by Bruce Lee" fame) : Ron Paul believes a lot of what you believe, and what I believe. You don't imagine he's going to be the 44th POTUS, but you kind of hope he does well none the less. And why not? Look at those policy positions! Abolish the IRS and Federal Reserve; balance the budget; go back to the gold standard; pull out of the U.N. and NATO; end the War on Drugs; overturn Roe v. Wade; repeal federal restrictions on gun ownership; fence the borders; deport illegals; stop lecturing foreign governments about human rights; let the Middle East go hang. What's not to like? First of all, abolishing the IRS is a crazy idea. The idea that you can fix a problem by either abolishing the agency with problems (IRS, Fed) or pulling out completely (UN, NATO) is anarchy. It doesn't make the need for those organizations go away, it just replaces one set of problems with a worse set of problems. Ron Paul is one of those "free market" zealots (a scary breed of faith-based politician) who honestly believe unregulated capitalism is the cure for all of society's ills. We tried that in the late 1800's and we ended up with the Gilded Age, steel monopolies, children working in factories, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, etc. This "Invisible Hand" **** would lead us back to that awful time. Ron Paul's rhetoric sounds good when you're trying to get a crowd of people to pump their fists, but in terms of actually solving problems, it's lunacy. Another thing, and this can't be repeated often enough, that Ron Paul caucuses with the Republican Party. The same one that wants to ban gay marriage, ban abortion, has exploded the deficit, etc. Odd that a principled, small government maverick would aid a party that has abandoned every ideal he stands for. It's enough to make you wonder if "libertarians" like Ron Paul aren't just a bunch of phonies or sellouts who will support a party whose platform they find abhorrent as long as they get their precious tax cuts. Of course, the way liberals are jumping on the Ron Paul bandwagon, I can't help but wonder if their support is equally based on a myopic one-issue platform, even if it means, for example, we get stuck with a small government conservative president who would likely oppose any effort to provide universal healthcare. As long as he ends the war, he can roll back Roe vs. Wade all he wants. Normally, I'd just end the Ron Paul bashing there, but there's so much more to cover, like this but from a recent NY Times profile : A larger vulnerability may be that voters want more pork-barrel spending than Paul is willing to countenance. In a rice-growing, cattle-ranching district, Paul consistently votes against farm subsidies. In the very district where, on the night of Sept. 8, 1900, a storm destroyed the city of Galveston, leaving 6,000 dead, and where repairs from Hurricane Rita and refugees from Hurricane Katrina continue to exact a toll, he votes against FEMA and flood aid. FEMA and flood aid are pork? I guess he gets points for not being one of those libertarians who favors abolishing everything only to backpedal when you start pointing out all of the things we really need the government to do, but voting against FEMA? Moreover, why is he the lone dissenter in these cases? In 1999, he was the only naysayer in a 424-1 vote in favor of casting a medal to honor Rosa Parks. Nothing against Rosa Parks: Paul voted against similar medals for Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. He routinely opposes resolutions that presume to advise foreign governments how to run their affairs: He has refused to condemn Robert Mugabe's violence against Zimbabwean citizens (421-1), to call on Vietnam to release political prisoners (425-1) or to ask the League of Arab States to help stop the killing in Darfur (425-1). And let's not forget that he's a racist too. DailyKos diarist phenry found this choice nugget from the "Ron Paul Political Report" : Regardless of what the media tell us, most white Americans are not going to believe that they are at fault for what blacks have done to cities across America. The professional blacks may have cowed the elites, but good sense survives at the grass roots. Many more are going to have difficultly avoiding the belief that our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists - and they can be identified by the color of their skin. This conclusion may not be entirely fair, but it is, for many, entirely unavoidable. Indeed, it is shocking to consider the uniformity of opinion among blacks in this country. Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action…. Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. If similar in-depth studies were conducted in other major cities, who doubts that similar results would be produced? We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings, and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers. Oddly enough, Paul's excuse for this stuff now is that his offensive articles were ghost-written. Don't worry folks, Ron Paul just outsourced his racist rants. A friend of mine was in an argument with a Ron Paul cultist the other day whose answer to criticism is that we're just scared of "people with big ideas". You know what's even scarier? People with bad ideas.

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