Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Megacorp?
by SCPsyWarrior on Comments
The most well known example of this thinking (and the company I expect sprang into the minds of almost everyone reading the previous paragraph) is Electronic Arts. Personally, I'm still harbouring a grudge over their dismantling of Westwood, the studio behind the Command and Conquer series. I viewed their recent acquisition of popular RPG developers Bioware with alarm. Despite this, EA seems the perfect place to begin questioning the Evil Monolithic Megacorp concept.
If this view is correct, EA is using an irreparably faulty business model, and is kept afloat only by the mindless sheep who keep buying their games year-on-year because EA tells them to. It is their fault for keeping this Spawn of Satan afloat, and soon EA will own the entire world and we'll all be forced to play nothing but Sims: Clown Outfits IV, Battlefield: Snowball Conflict and Need for Speed: Slightly Different Cars Since the Last One.
We must all boycott this devil company! Use the collective power of keeping our money to put them out of business for good! But wait! What's this... A revitalised C&C series, Spore, Battlefield games not simply being cardboard cut-outs of previous games, Mass Effect for PC and the Half Life Episodes published under EA's name... Oh, well. They'll probably all be rubbish anyway.
Sarcasm aside, the view of EA and other such companies being black holes of creativity, serving only to suck the life out of our games is fundamentally flawed. It's true that their influence has had a negative effect on some games and has destroyed some good studios, but it's equally true that they have contributed to the gaming world. God knows I never thought I'd find myself defending this company or this business model, but I am sick and tired of the endless, unreasoning hatred. EA is not a black hole of doom. I don't believe it's a net benefit to the gaming industry - that's an opinion, by the way - but it has it's moments. If you disagree with some of its practices or with the quality of some of its products (as I do), the solution is not to somehow destroy the corporation. This is a goal that is unrealistic, and almost childish in its intention. If you hate all a publisher's games, don't buy any of them. That's fine. If you're like me, there will be good quality games that you will want. Buy them! The solution is not to avoid everything from a publisher, but to avoid impulse buying. Read a review. Talk to a friend. Carefully avoid buying low-quality games while continuing to purchase those good-quality titles which have had a sufficiently long development cycle.
Large corporations generally are run for profit. If a corporation sees one line of games performing poorly, and another line (hopefully in our scenario the high end games) selling well, this is what will motivate their commissioning decisions in the future. Send a well reasoned and concise e-mail or letter to a company telling them why you don't appreciate certain decisions and why you believe a different course of action would be better. Make no mistake, your individual action will very likely not have any effect - I don't expect a summons to the CEOs office, asking to discuss my ideas for his business. Our power is not in individual action, but in mass. The more well-reasoned (and not spammy or abusive) arguments they get, the more seriously they will take the idea that they are upsetting some of their client base. The more people buy the high quality products and avoid the poor ones, the more clearly they will understand.
And please, for God's sake, stop the senseless hatred, you'll achieve nothing. Stop spamming message boards with "ea sux lol", because no-one will pay you any attention and you'll achieve nothing. Stop boycotting good games that you'd normally buy if they didn't have the EA logo on them. You won't put them out of business, you won't encourage them to improve and you've accomplished nothing!
The path to positive change isn't exactly easy. We have the power to make it happen if we'll just be about it with reason and patience instead of anger and fear. Are you afraid of the Big Bad Megacorp? I'm not.
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