I'm still making my way through Kagetsu Tohya but I finished the main storyline. I still need to go through the 10 extra side stories the game has before I'm done. I kind of stalled since this week was so heavy on games. I beat Halo ODST, I bought Magna Carta 2, renting IL 2 Stumovik and Demon Souls. I will also be borrowing Uncharted 2 from a friend on monday so I'm going a bit crazy here on games. But since I finished the story in Kagetsu Tohya, I might as well talk about it. The story definitely wore off on me especially later when you are skipping large amount of texts since it already happen before no need to read it. The gist of it is the Tohno Shiki (the main character) is in a repeating dream that you don't know why he is there only that at the end of the day when he sleeps he forgots everything but before he go to sleep he usually will see the destruction of the world or his own death. There is also a string of murders happening as well. So the game goes into a simple formula of a nice day with usually a cute story or something you didn't know about the characters and at the end of the day you either given the option of reflecting on the murders, the destruction of the world, or this repeating dream. In order to proceed you have to solve the murders first, so it is usually Shki goes into the city at night looking for the murder who he finds out its his fear or his own demon but is more like an alter ego call Nanaya Shiki. Which you will have alot of fights with him that will usually result in you getting you head twisted off and your spine snaking out and then you wake up again when it resets. The game doesn't go too indepth about Nanaya Shiki and even less on death.
Eventually as you progress you will see a reoccuring black cat and a little girl *pic on top called Len the will show up which you realize is the dream demon who has put you into this dream. Shiki doesn't understand why he is in this repeating dream but is slowly explain that he was in a sever car accident and that if he woke up he would die. Of course Len can't explain it because she cannot talk because she is a spirit that was combine from a dead cat and a dead human's soul. After some drama you defeat Nanaya Shiki and presents Shiki's representation of death. Once you conquer death itsself (this ain't no Bleach) you will be confused why you can't wake up and Len doesn't understand either. Len fancy Shiki, and Shiki realized that this isn't his dream but hers. So in order to wake up he makes Len his familiar and how? Not by writting a contract, giving blood, or anything like that but its to have sex with her and here is where I have a major problem with this game.
I have watched enough anime to realized that Japan has this pedophilia thing that kind has its way to work in everything but I found it disturbing reading this sex scene as it describes how Shiki is parking his beef bus in tuna town. So do I like this game, absolutely but its not for the faint of heart or easily offended no.