I'm saying this up front that I hate this game. Whats bad is that I haven't really given this game a good shake but I had the worst three game match experiences. What turned me onto MAG was its overly similarities to that of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. Bleedout, big teams, and objective base gameplay. After playing it, the shooting reminds me alot of that game but the biggest problem with this game is the inherit imbalance in this game. Wolfenstein teams were broken down into teams, soldier, special ops, medic, engineer, and field captain. Choose soldier to use machine guns, turret guns, rpgs, and flamethrowers, medic if you want to heal, engineer was needed to complete objectives, special ops to snipe and to disguise yourself, and field captain for replenish your team's ammo. What was great about this system is that you knew what your role was, maybe not the objectives or where to go but none other the less knew what your suppose to do.
MAG feels like something between Wolfenstein and Modern Warfare 2, where you have to put permanent points to perks on what you want. Resulting in a soldier of all trade, so you can focus on to make like hybrid sniper/healer or what not. Wolfenstein when you get into a game, there is only a few slots in the different areas which prevents unbalancing. So there would be a max on 4 soldiers out of a 32 player match and it scaled. This what brings me to my HUGE grep with this game is that you should never be facing a team of 32 players which half of them have sniper rifles. After reading reviews, people say that the levels are well balance but in my experience of 2 and of half games a quarter to half of the team were snipers. Wolfenstein solved this problem by limiting the team to a certain amount, Halo limits it by the time the sniper rifles respawns. But when I take a few steps after I respawn in MAG, I get sniped in the head because a group of people have entrenched themselves to the corners of the map.
Bring me to the second thing I hater is that I played 2 and 1/2 matches of Suppression. Out of that 2 and 1/2 games, the random map selector choose the same map 2 and 1/2 times. Choose the map with the trainyard with the building in the center. When having a limited amount of maps and you are playing against a different faction, the developers shouldn't lazily rely on random map selector. You might say I'm retarded because every game has random map selector. This game is alittle bit different, there is no team swapping so you can't just jump ships to the winning team and maps can take some time. This isn't like MW2 when matches last 5 to 10 minutes. The game should of put you into a campaign that cycles through the maps and a specific order. So if there is a specific map that I like, when I jump into a game I can see if the map was already skip or if its coming up soon. Which is was Wolfenstein did. One thing that Wolfenstein did better is that it mapped which team won on which map. So I have really good karma on finding every guild and party that has mics in any multi player game, so when I see this guild is mopping up the other team I get the hell out of there.
Granted I only played 2 and 1/2 matches of this game and its really unfair to just stop like I did. I only played one map and probably the worst map. I only played one mode, and it wasn't even the objective based one too. I only leveled my character to 4. I acknowledge that I didn't get too deep into this game. But those three matches of frustration and anger on the same map will last a lifetime. I never want to be initially frustrated at a game, Bayonetta also did this to me. I do not want to be frustrated when I play a game. Its fine for matches here and there but MAG throws you into a map of people of all different levels. At the very least MW2 and Halo have training modes for low rank to get grounding and understanding of the game. People who are also trying to learn the level like I am.