In part 2 of my discussion, “What Makes a Great Character Design,” I will now talk about "cliche characters."
What makes cliche characters important in video games? Because they serve to please the gamers by becoming fan-service and 15 minute thrills. Although they are very popular with the gaming crowd, at the end, their lasting value grows thin through the test of time. And soon they become lost in the shuffle when some new characters come around to become the next "in" thing to replace them.
For my example I will use the ever popular, (especially among male gamers :wink: ), the DOA cast. With the exception of Ryu Hayabusu and perhaps Katsumi, I think the DOA cast epitomizes what it means to be a cliche character.
To those who think, that the DOA characters are great designs have a similar taste kind of like the movie goers who think Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich films are masterpieces. In other words, it only accommodates to the patron's own senses on the kind of satisfaction they want from a video game character. Basically, it's all about "eye-candy," and when it comes to aesthetics in visual pleasure, DOA is the best there is! :D
To illustrate this point further, RPG characters are also good examples. Since RPGs are a form of escapism, cliche characters are a essential because many gamers want to fantasize about going on adventures with attractive people. DOA is just another fantasy. I mean come on, are 14 different costumes, half of them bikinis, and one a topless girl in overalls really needed in a fighting game? :x
If DOA characters are great designs, than I guess the characters from Rumble Roses are the next Street Fighter II-caliber type of characters that will set the standard for the next generation in the gaming world! With next-gen graphics now....maybe it will? :?
But....*sigh*....only a few more battles before I unlock Katsumi's polka-dotted bikini! :P
(Other honorable mentions include: Necrid, 75 % of the SNK cast, almost ALL of the JRPG cast, and some western RPGs.)
Yet, I still enjoy DOA and other cliche J-RPGs, so it doesn't matter what I think since it's just my opinion. I guess what matters is the taste we as gamers are in the mood for. :)