I'm so freakin' addicted to Final Fantasy XII right now that it's just pitiful. I really didn't think I could forget about Okami that fast, but it almost feels like a chore to go back and work on that one instead of playing more sweet, sweet Final Fantasy XII. Dammit. Sorry, Amaterasu.
I'm also sitting here at work listening to my Final Fantasy VI soundtrack (Thanks Laura!) so as to make sure the withdrawals don't kick in before I can get back home. Speaking of which, I'm not sure how this got past my radar (probably while I was off on that MTG-Transformers-collecting kick) but apparently iTunes has all the Final Fantasy soundtracks available for purchase. Not the crappy US releases either, the Japanese-release complete ones. I'm pretty sure I won't be resisting those much longer either. (I'm just going to be wanting money for Christmas this year, everybody. Or maybe something with Final Fantasy on it that I don't have.)
I shoulda finished Okami before I bought FFXII, because I knew this would happen. Dammit. Oh well, at least Okami takes notes for you, so I shouldn't be too lost when I finally go back.