I picked up FFXII on the way home tonight, because I had the money and I knew I'd be buying it soon anyway. I somewhat expect it to be on the back burner for the time being until I finish Okami, but of course I'll be playing both.
So, the Now Playing list is getting fleshed out really well now; I have an RPG for long game sessions, an Adventure for medium sessions, and for quick games I have a fighing game and a... volleyball-dating-sim-gambling game? Whatever DOAX is.... Plus a portable game or two for on-the-go. (I do really need to get me something backlit for these Gameboy games, though. The old GBA's lighting situation is totally unacceptable; I basically have three choices: Darkness, Glare, or Disturbing-Reflection-Of-My-Face. No good.)
I might get back to being a gamer yet. First impressions of Final Fantasy XII will be forthcoming during or after the weekend!