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I indulged my toy-collecting side a bit this weekend and picked up the newest Toys 'R Us exclusive HeroScape sets from the 'Crest of the Valkyrie' wave.  HeroScape may just be my perfect match for collecting, because:

  • • The figures are extremely high quality and are suitable for displaying, which is the main thing I like to do with my toys.  They're also built onto little bases which make them very stable unlike action figures. The landscape pieces are also very well done and add immensely to the visual presentation.  They're not 'kiddy' looking at all, unlike some other toy lines.
  • • They're actually a game system, so there are things to do with them other than just stand them around. 
  • • Unlike Magic The Gathering or the normal Collectible Miniature Game, the sets are *not* blind-boxed and you know just what you're buying when you make a purchase.  None of this stuff about getting extra copies of commons you don't need while you're trying to find that last 'rare' piece.  This also means that the overall price is very reasonable and so it's very possible to collect the entire set inexpensively.
  • • Also unlike those games, older sets are reprinted from time to time so that new players can catch up without getting shafted on eBay.

I added all the HeroScape stuff to my Amazon.com wish list, although that's really not the best place to buy them from; Wal-Mart seems to have the best prices on expansion packs.  It was a good place to show the quantities of everything I would want, though.  (Quick primer:  There are two 'classes' of units, Common or Unique.  While Common armies can gain an advantage when used in multiples, there isn't any use for owning more than one of the Unique Army packs.  That's why I listed some packs in quantity and not others.)  I know that Amazon doesn't have very good pictures up, but this website has good pictures of every pack.  Between the two, hopefully the potential gifters can figure out what they're looking at.

Springfield was really busy this weekend; I guess everyone's starting early.  It's beginning to feel a little like Christmas! :D

EDIT:  As per the next posting, the HeroScape stuff is removed again from my Amazon list and replaced with some Magic: The Gathering stuff.  Yes, I plan to stop changing my mind until after Christmas now.  No, I can't guarantee anything.  Yes, I'm a nutcase.