Okay, so I don't really have anything gaming-wise to update about, but I already skipped one week's "scheduled" entry so here we go.
I've played video games hardly at all for the past two weeks, which can be blamed on a big combination of being pissed off at that cheap bastard Metroid Prime (the creature, not the game), hectic days at work so I feel like just vegging out instead of doing interactive stuff, and getting caught back up on watching fansubbed Sentai to commemorate buying new toys. But, I'm ready to give it another go now, I think. I actually did play some New Super Mario Bros. this weekend, so I guess I re-started already. Say your prayers, Prime! Your days are numbered!
As a footnote, for non-native GameSpotters that followed me back over here again, the LiveJournal blog is officially dead. I don't really plan to explain it other than to say that no one needs to take it personally unless they just really want to. Don't expect too much "real-life" stuff to infiltrate this one, either; it's going to stay all about toys and games and definitely not about work or family.