I'm at the half way point in my Resistance: Fall of Man Review.
I've just downloaded the Dark Void Demo which looks quite promising.
I finished the two final chapters of InFamous - End of the Road and The Truth. The ending for me, was a bit muddled, but I did vaguely understand it. No spoilers on the bad ending please, I've only completed it on good karma.
Now for a summary -
The electrical gameplay was fantastic, I loved all the different variations of electrical powers and upgrading them to which karma you were playing as. Speaking of which, these karma options were amazing, and very thought provoking which will definitely encourage me to delve into a second playthrough. Especially seeing as I completed it on my last PSN Account. The gameplay was mercilessly difficult however, unless you really got the jist of combining a various blend of electrical combos, cover and rolls (I was playing it on easy.) At parts the presentation did falter but for the most part it was excellent. InFamous took me around 10-15 hours and that was without finishing off any side quests or hunting any Blast Shards/Dead Drops. And in today's era that's quite good considering most developer's motto's of favouring quality over quantity. It's a great exclusive and I throughly reccomend it to anyone looking for a great free-roaming, open-world experience.