So I've decided to play through BioShock a second time but with the framerate unlocked. Now, a lot of people aren't actually aware of this option, just pause the game and go to Options, then select 'Unlock frame rate'. Try it, and you'll see the difference. However this option does have its problems because you will notice that it degrades the graphics slighty during gameplay.
The 'Unlock frame rate' option was mentioned in GameSpot's interview with Ken Levine...
GS: One nice feature of the game is the "unlock frame rate" option. Why don't more games offer this? Was it terribly difficult to implement?
KL: You can't really throw almost anything on at the end of a game because there are so many unintended consequences coming out of everything. We have people saying, "How come you don't have this or that?" Some of the things we had, but the question is, "Can we implement it and can we test it for long enough to make sure you're not going to have huge problems?"
The notion of unlocking the frame rate came out of a PC-game background. As PC game developers and players, we're used to having a lot of options. I hate going into some of the Japanese console games and your options are a color border outline and stereo or mono music. I like big options screen because--and I'm sure you'll get to the widescreen question--I generally believe that gamers should be able to play the game the way they want to. And if we can support that, we will. So we were looking down the road a bit, and we have this frame rate here and some people don't mind the tearing and some people do--let's give people an option.
Click here to read the full interview
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