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The Verdict

Wow...just wow. What we've seen at the Conferences this year has been truly Next-Gen.

Let's start with SONY.
Now the SONY Conference started almost an hour late this year, probably due to technical difficulties.The demos of the PS3 launch titles were a little...boring! I almost fell asleep watching the Gran Turismo demo! However, I woke up instantly when I heard the name Metal Gear Solid. I think I speak for everyone when I say the MGS4 trailer was the best part of the SONY Conference. We were seeing Snake and Raiden as we had never seen them before, it was truly mind-blowing. The demo of Resistance: Fall of Man was pretty intriguing, but it just seemed like everything at the SONY Conference had all been done before. It just didn't seem groundbreaking but it still looked quite good. Even the 'new' controller didn't 'wow' the audience that much (most likely because we had already seen the motion sensor idea with the Wii Controller). The pricing for the PS3 didn't seem to appeal to anyone, and who could blame them? The price for both versions seemed to be asking too much.
Overall, the SONY Conference didn't leave any lasting effect on me.

Now what about the Nintendo Conference?
Well, if you've seen the 'Grand Opening', you'll know why I was so impressed. The Nintendo Conference was the opposite of the rather dull SONY Conference. We saw the Wii Controller in action with one the the most anticipated games of the year, The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. Seeing how the Wii Controller worked with the games, and how clever the configuration was, I immediately said to myself, "I've got to get one of those!". Nintendo had a good explanation for changing the name of their Next-Gen console to Wii, so I don't think it will be long before everyone gets used to it.

Nintendo were making the point that they've not all about amazing graphics like the other Next-Gen consoles, they're about innovation, and at their Conference they proved that.

Now finally, Microsoft.
It wasn't as good as the Nintendo Conference but it was without a doubt, better than the SONY Conference. Microsoft didn't bore us too much with facts and figures, they just wanted to show us what they have planned for the future. Bill Gates himself showed off how Windows Vista on PCs and Mobile phones (with a Windows operating system) could communicate with the Xbox 360. When you actually saw it in action, it looked incredible. There were some BIG surprises, with the next GTA available on the Xbox 360 next year and Forza Motorsport 2 and Fable 2 in production. But the biggest surprise of all was left to the very end when we saw what will most likely be the highlight of this year's E3....the HALO 3 Announcement trailer. I never expected to see such a spectacular trailer, it was absolutely amazing.

Microsoft proved the Xbox 360 has so much potential, and that should give gamers a reason to consider purchasing one.

I can't wait to see more of all three consoles later on in this year, and I also can't wait to see who will be the most popular this Christmas!