I've not played any of the 3-D versions yet, but I think I might pick up Worms 4: Mayhem (as its on the Xbox 360 backward compatibility list) at some point and try not to compare it to classic 2-D version whilst playing it...
I've also been playing TotemBall with the Xbox Live Vision Camera. Now, I was very disappointed with this game at first because I didn't feel the controls were very responsive, but once I started playing it on a smaller TV and stood quite close, I kinda liked it. The graphics aren't that great, and the levels aren't very challenging, but moving the TotemBall around with my hands was quite fun. My arms didn't get tired at all but that's because I didn't have my arms up in the air like some people do. You're just meant to use your hands, folks! Remember to get yourself lined up in a good position with the TV and Camera or you will find it frustrating to control the TotemBall.
I am easily entertained, so that could have something to do with my love for this game. :lol: