Damn, the bit of game play is so darn dark I could only see 3 of the numbers on the ear of the dog that they shown in the make up of the new engines, just a show boat to sell in my book, the game didn't show me nutun, big waste of time, Let EA bring back Fighters anthology now that would be a great change in it original release with the new graphic's for Xbox1 and PC.
If that is all they have to offer for their new console they need to go back to the drawing board...........waste of money for the graphic's I seen....if that was from the new build ??.
How do you think they sell a game to 10 year old kids that have hard to play game..and all the flashing signs to let yo no which way you can or can't find anything, or you leave the little stamp maps ( It seems to me they had to make close in fighting on the latest games to cope with small maps to run on consoles/ boy I remember the good old days when map size wasn't a problem when playing on a computer ) I played Far Cry original and still have more fun than the new # 2 they put in to try and make it better but in my view they broke the darn game..Now it's just a mindless game to make money off the original that was awesome to play. Only thing I like about the new game is the SHARK and it was sent over from the original to give the new one some substance LOL..........CHEERS
Was the biggest waste of money on windows I ever spent they should be made to give back refunds for buyer's that request it... to many mouse functions to get anything done. I have to hit mouse button so many time to get a small job completed, but they have a after market add on to deal with the problem. The problem with that it cost as much as Win 8......So Lame
Just Glad it's there money not mine or is it theirs lol....... well good luck anyways, and it takes balls and a big bat to hit home run's into days market.
To bad the console player's can't see a game using high end graphic cards ( which cost more than a full blown top of the line console ) in a high end PC, but I guess when they are sleeping a dream is better than nothing.
Look here I found a Flaw or is that really you ? ;)...Quote: stick up for up for want to start an argument with you. ha ha even the great has a bad day when riled up. LOL. Just J/K around and wanted to point out to you no one is perfect.
Well The Big Dirty ( good name for you by the way ) I guess you a grammar hound, so what I suggest to you don't read my replys on the forum. What I don't understand is how can you slam my Reply for something you say you can't understand to start with ??. Now you have a good day.
Note: THE_Big_Dirty...With a Word of advice on a forum it would be nice that people could look into the mirror and see that some people may have some type's of disablities or hurt in a war zone that took some parts of there body to make them less functional in certain shores, so keep in mine what was once close as a perfect body my be come imperfect due to causes beyond there control.
BTW; some readers did like the reply so I guess some did understood what I said, well maybe not all parts of it but at least I didn't get slaped ;)....CHEERS
I have most of all the CS games with PC support only to hell with the new console crap that is screwing up the PC games in a strong way, just keep all you PC game because befor long all you will have is console afterbrith of console games with the look on the edges like a crosscut saw type graphic's.
SHARKMEAT's comments