That's the most BS excuse I've ever heard. It's still a human character not like they're adding in orcs or something. If they just didn't want to put in any females they could have at least come up with a better excuse than that.
Ugh.. I guess I'll be waiting for price drops on games I want, no more first day buys. Pricing is getting just wayyy too rediculous. $60 was hard enough to justify and now this. Aren't prices suppose to come down like BluRays/DVDs did and not go the other way?
Us Canadians always get jacked. Maybe if they had any PS4's in stock here they could actually make some money.
Well that wasn't very clear pretty 50/50. Either way I shall be waiting until next year for mine. Let these consoles work out any glitches and what not.
Sony wanted to by the rights to the AC movie but Ubi never sold it to them because they would have changed too much. So I have high hopes it'll be decent (fingers crossed).Video game movies could work well if they stay strict to how the game actually is. It's like how super hero movies took a long while to become actually really good instead of being super cheesy like they first started off (roughly).
SHERNEE's comments