I remember the day I decided to go to the next level in my gaming life like it was yesterday. Hell it actually was last year roughly this time (Feb/Mar. 2007) I says to my buddy, I says, "hey think'n bout, yah know, get'en a new Computer or maybe one of them PS3's" Ok so I'm not a New Yorker, but felt like quoting myself as such! In any case, I got flack day and night by this guy about how crappy the PS3 was and to get a XBOX 360, trust me he says! In any case, it was a week or two later when I decided, ok well I've never been a fan of either the PS3 or Xbox in the past, each had it's ups and downs and honestly I owned both systems at the time any way. XBOX Live was cool, but I never really used it. I was still an On-Line Noob, if you will.
The day has come and I'm at my local Best Buy, I walk over to the consoles, start looking for a sec and decide to get some help. What's he's going over the spec's for the PS3, it has Blu-ray and it will save the human race one day and he's just droning on about it. I ask what about the selection of games, how's that? He says well, there's plenty of games and more to come. There's gonna be awesome exclusives coming don't miss out! I said well I know nothing about the PS3 and my cousin just bought a 360 and it seemed cool,.. "Don't waste you time, man!" What,..Why, I had to ask. The R.R.O.D he says, the red rings of death. He says the system has been crashing left and right and people have been waiting for ever to get there Xbox's back and it's costing a fortune and on and on he went about how crappy this system was. Ok, ok wait, the systems both have on-line play right? Of course, only thing is, do you want free service or paid service. I'm thinkin I want good service.
We take a trip... Over the merchandise and through the isles to the Xbox and PS3 Display Console we go! He pulls up PSN on the PS3. I have a Bluetooth headset on at the time and he says, "Your headset Bluetooth? You can use it on the PS3 as your headset, everything is Bluetooth with the PS3" He can't log in, the Display has no On-Line capabilities, but says, if your a tech guru and a fAn of PlAYStaion there should be no other choice. I said let's see the 360. He showed me the 360, said that not all the 360 originals will play on the 360, I didn't mind since I' really wanted to play next gen! Showed me the Blades, I like showed me XBL card 12+1 month, I like. Ok, so they both play online what the best game on the 360 right now I asked? Gears of War! Ok and PS3 Resistance of Man, hmm... Demo time, OMG... Gears is a work of art, Resistance...... I bought the 360!
This last December I decided, instead of just buying a Blu-ray player, might as well buy a Ps3! It has been months since I bought it and the only game worth my time was UT3! Nothing else has applied to me! I rented Resistance and wanted to slit my wrists just to dull the pain! I try to play on-line and PSn logs me out and I just realized it have no real method to organize friends. What's the point of this Machine, What? I remember my PS2, I reminisce. The games that I played and the times I had with my friends... I remembered Z.O.E. Now that was a game. I loved that Game! I call up my GameStop and I asked if they had Z.O.E 1 & 2. Now these guys know me and immediately stop me and say... Which PS3 do you have? What... why I ask. Well the 1st 60 gig PS3 were the closest thing to Full PS2 compatibility, the 40 Gig is only compatible with PS1 games... the rest of what he said might as well have been in Russian! 40 Gig is not compatible with PS2 games... are you kidding. I'm sorry dude!
I'm sorry... I'm Sorry... I don't remember the last time anything upset me like this! What'eva, I bought the 360, my saving grace! The system of systems. PS3 I had love for you, you spat it in my face. Were done! Selling my PS3, Kicked once, 500 Bucks or best offer. Hmm, wonder if it'll sell? If you happen to read this and you're still unsure what to do with yourself then I'm sorry I have failed you! If you realize that misery has plenty of company and you sprung for a 360, then good for you. Happy Gaming! ...... It has Bluetooth, he says... Man... I now understand why that guy wanted me to get a PS3, Misery loves Company.
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