I feel that Bushman may have some points as experiments and test are meant to yield results, but that's all they are.... Static results based on a small test group that does not... DOES NOT incorporate all of the facts or variables as it were.
The fact is crazy people do crazy things and this man was a person that believed voice spoke to him and that these "people" these voice that would follow him sent vibrations through his walls to keep him awake... Yes he also suffered from insomnia and would not seek or accept medical attention regarding his illness.
Couple the fact that Aaron was a "crazed" insomniac with the fact that he had received basic (military) training, (received in 2007 at the Great Lakes Naval Station north of Chicago) and you have a recipe for disaster!
Folk, what we have here is a failure to communicate! The media has leached onto one aspect of Aaron's story and attempted to exploit it, plain and simple.... All I see here (as a reasonably intelligent man) is the media via for another ploy at why guns and video games are bad when this was nothing more than a crazed man with guns that happened to play video games...
HE HAPPENED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES! For the love of (whatever you believe in) stop taking $#!T out of context.....
SHO_ONE's comments