If you've been keeping up in your technological news then you will probably know that in the format war beetween HDDVD and blueray, blueray won. Now im a little upset about this because i whent and did something a couple month ago. I perchased a neat little thing called the HDDVD external drive for the xbox 360, eventhough imy buds were telling me to wait till the dust settles and there is a clean cut winner, but to my dismay i payd no attention. Being a diehard xbox fanboi i wanted HDDVD to win just to see the ps3 go of and die, and i bought the HDDVD thinger because if i sided with HDDVD it would cost me little over onehundred dollars, wereas blueray/several hundred. Now I was thinking, this is going to boost the sales of the ps3 by alot maybey, god forbid, will start selling more units than the 360. Alot of these people are probably only using the ps3 as a blueray player and couldn't give two f-french dips about the fact that it can play games. now i personaly, and alot of other people, now have the choice of either buying a fivehundred dollar blueray player or buying a fourhundred dollar ps3, now as much as i hate sony im gunna go with the ps3 (and never touch the games), just because the extra hunred dolars can get me alot of porn. Just kidding but if sonys hardware sales start growing exponentally, but their software sales only have a sight increse. What will that mean, will developers start developing first on the ps3 becuse of the fact that there are more of them out there or will they keep on doing xbox first because the people that own them acctually play games on that platform.
just making this cuz im bored
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