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#1 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

no, we're still in the same direction.

but i got lost at..

"You said cows are getting everything we had for free, but we already had it for free "

since when did $50/yr = Free ?


You can get all of the features 2.40 provided with a silver account wich is free, and provided those features 2 years ago.

Silver = Free

Gold = $50

i didnt know you can play with people online with a Silver account.

Silver gets you all the dashboard features - achievements, friends list, video and text chatting, access to marketplace videos demos XBLA games (sperate fees for the latter) - so basically all the PSN 2.40 features and more, which we had from the beginning.

Gold gets you the online play in addition to all the Silver features. THAT is the only difference between Gold and Silver and the only feature being paid for, the online play.

Now stop deliberately trolling when you obviously understood this before, or be reported.

Huh?!.... Silver =/= 2.40

PSN already has those features you just listed even before 2.40 plus lets you play online. Your whole post made it sound like "Live (Silver + Gold) = PSN before 2.40" cuz the features you just listed is what PSN already have even before the update. And since cows are accessing this features for free, aren't lemmings now getting ripped?

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#2 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts



since cows are getting all your milkage for free.. :lol:


If Cows were content, they wouldn't be so obsessive about hoping some PS3 update in the future will make it better than LIVE.

How many threads the last 7 days have we seen full of Cows hoping 2.40 would put LIVE in the rear-view mirror?

a whooole lot. We call that "insecurity", friends.

I'm not saying PSN is better than Live but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of cows here that were obsessed with the update and are content with it that made them think PSN >>> Live.

And since they are content, what other reasons would make them unsatisfied since they're getting the stuff lemms are paying for without spending a penny?..

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#3 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

no, we're still in the same direction.

but i got lost at..

"You said cows are getting everything we had for free, but we already had it for free "

since when did $50/yr = Free ?


You can get all of the features 2.40 provided with a silver account wich is free, and provided those features 2 years ago.

Silver = Free

Gold = $50

i didnt know you can play with people online with a Silver account.

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#4 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Where did I say "MGS4 made the PS3 omgwtf the best" ? Read the above part again especially the underlined one.

MGS4 plus other great games such as R&C:ToD, Uncharted, Warhawk, and even multiplats made the PS3 a damn system. We're talking about the PS3 having games in general NOT being better than any other systems. Lemmings are just playing blind games with their jealousy desperately in denial bashing the game even though it received a 10. They just don't realize that the more denyings they make, the more it'll look bad for them.


lol, wut? what are blind games? what jealousy? Most people agree that the 360 has the better library so what is there to be jealous of? MGS4 is an AWESOME game, but it's only one game. I'm not saying the ps3 has a bad library, but come on.

there it is again... why do I keep hearing that?...

sorry, "playing blind games" as in not acknowledging great titles such as Uncharted, R&C, Warhawk, and other great titles even multiplats.

We're talking about the PS3 and its games in general. I'm not acknowledging MGS4+PS3 being better than the Xbox 360. What I'm acknowledging is PS3 have had games. So if the PS3 having a 10/10 AAAAE wasn't enough to erase the "PS3 have no games" logic, then what will?

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#5 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts


since cows are getting all your milkage for free.. :lol:


Do you mean a bunch of features that were avaliable on live 2 years ago, and free with a silver account?

yup, even the Gold membership subscription that lemms tend to defend even though they know they are getting ripped.

Im not sure what you are trying to say? You said cows are getting everything we had for free, but we already had it for free so, are you going in a different direction now?

no, we're still in the same direction.

but i got lost at..

"You said cows are getting everything we had for free, but we already had it for free "

since when did $50/yr = Free ?

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#8 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts


since cows are getting all your milkage for free.. :lol:


Do you mean a bunch of features that were avaliable on live 2 years ago, and free with a silver account?

yup, even the Gold membership subscription that lemms tend to defend even though they know they are getting ripped.

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#9 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Why the hell do the cows on this board think they are a bunch of angels. Seriousaly you guys get harsh treatment for the way you guys behave in other situations

A game flops- you guys are there

Bad news- you guys are there

loss of an exclusive- you guys are there

You guys get an amazing exclusive(MGS 4)- and WOW are you guys there.

And when i mean you guys are there, I mean you come in snobby, arrogant, loud mouth, and go on to make some of the most ignorant statements ever.

I mean lemmings and sheeps have had there moments just like any fanboy group, but the Cows have had a special talent in being.......


Obviously lemmings don't do any of those things. :|

Xbox fans are worse. They made it sound like more than 5 people were looking forward to Haze.

If Xbox fans are worse...and Lemm's never hype an update to an online service ...what does that make cows?


since cows are getting all your milkage for free.. :lol:

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#10 SHuN-GoKu
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

biggest 0wnag3 here in GameSpot:

Lemmings before GameSpot's MGS4 review:

"PS3 has no games"

"Just wait"

"NG2 >>> MGS4"

"Kojima is racist"

"GameSpot only counts here"

-------Lemmings after the review-------

"it's doing bad in GameRankings"

"one AAAAE is nothing"

"PS3 still has no AAAE" (wtf?!)

"MGS4 is overrated"

:lol: epic lulz :lol:


That same thing has been going on with every high ranked game that's done good/bad on GS for the past millenium.

gee, no wonder there are more fanboys than hardcore gamers here in SW.

Instead of downgrading games, making fun of flops, and pulling each side's hairs out bashing one another, they should be enjoying their games but that's unlikely ever gonna happen here.. :(

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