SJlacayo / Member

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WII play!

Well even though i have been pretty fuked up.....i got new games :D

These are my games for the Wii:

  1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Beautiful game man! just sweeeeeeeeeet)
  2. Wario Ware: Smooth Move (Fun game but beatable in an afternoon)

Good games for me to be allright for a while hahahaha!

Peace 8)

Happy New Year!

Ok maybe i haven't posted many things or stuff like that but i have been pretty busy with a **** of stuff:?.

First of all SAT and then my house got robbed (fukers took PS2 but not the Wii jajaaja:roll:). Either way its been a hard year, and i have been thinking really hard about my life as a videogamer and as a normal person hahaha...maybe 2008 can give me an answer. Either way i promise to be more involved with you guys, just that living in a very poor country has its difficulties (im not poor but the country has shiiiiiiiiiiity problems).

I hope you guys had a great christmas and a have a happy new year!:P


i got a Wii

hey guys!

well guess what?

i just bought a Wii:lol: and a lot of games! it rocks and i love it, oh and i also bought a zune, which is a lot sweeter than an Ipod.

well these are the new games i got:

  • Far Cry: Vengeance
  • Mario party 8
  • Mario Strikers Charged
  • Zelda: Twilight princess
  • Wii Play
  • Wii Sports

take care yall!8)

Run and Gun mood!

Well.....i have been playing the games i said i bought ..........:D.........but i have been having a huge urge to KILL:twisted:....
SO ive been playing Scarface and Counter Strike Source A LOT!!
I mean it is not that i don't want to pay anything else.....(and leavng aside DBZ...heellll no)....but i've been watching many gun movies so ive been playing these two games like crazy jajajaja!:roll:
But oh a videogamer.....this has to happen some time in ur video game life :P


My New Games

Well.....thanks to those comments i decided what to buy so i got the followning:

Max Payne 2
DBZ Tenkcachi 2
Fifa 07
Urban Chaos
Scarface: The World is yours

So i practically got a little bit of everything.....but the one i am playing the most is a huge fan of the movie so its like a dream come true,..........of course i give some time to DBZ and kick some intergalatic ass!!!
Thanks Y'all!

Need new game.......argh!

Man i am bored of my games right now...i need a new one damn it!!!:evil:
i want to buy one of these games:

1) Max Payne 2: The Fall of max payne
2)Urban Chaos
3) Hitman: Blood money
4) Socom 3
5) Super Dragon ball z

So please help me out and "recommend me" any of these games and why?:P

peace out8)

The New guy

Hey warup! My name is Alvaro lacayo and.....well i love to play videogames a lot......i also play sports ok so don't think i'm and addict or something:roll:

so yeah i have a couple of games like the ones u see on my collection.....(which are not all of them):twisted:

Well...see yall later while i still try to make thing work here for me.:P
