Nov. 30th 7:44pm EST
Kadaj and Sephiroth are talking when Yazoo enters the secret lair. "What are you talking about?" asks Yazoo. Kadaj gets a nod from Sephiroth, and hands Yazoo an early Christmas present. "We spent all night working on this for you." says Sephiroth. Kadaj nods his head and says, "Yea, since you seem to love gadgets so well, we thought you'd love this one."
Yazoo opens his early Christmas present and says, "oooooooooo!" Kadaj tells Yazoo that he and Sephiroth converted a marshmellow gun into a snowball gun. Yazoo thanks them and says, "See ya later, I've got to try this out!" Yazoo leaves the SL. He makes three snowballs and loads the gun. Hopping on his bike he races towards the arena. Sliding into the arean area, he fires "pop", "Splat" hit one on Seifer, "pop", "splat" hit two on Vincent, and "pop", "splat" hit three on Quistis. "Whaaaaahaaa!" yells Yazoo as he racing back to the SL. Kadaj and Sephiroth look up as Yazoo enters, "Well" they ask. Yazoo is grinning from ear to ear, "This is so coooooool? Thanks guys!":lol:
Yazoo hit Team Gunblade using his new toy, a snowball gun -500HP
Team Gunblade
Quistis: 3799HP
Seifer: 3799HP
Vincent: 3799HP
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