SL20's forum posts
1. Yes.
2. Ummmmm... Im such a n00b... I dont know :?... I'm on ethernet 1... is that a problem?
3. Yes.. I even had someone read it off to me as i checked the numbers
4. I'd rather not.
Sports games are absolutely...I repeat, ab-so-lutely pointless, let alone boring.
Why do you say that?
You really shouldn't say something like that without backing it up...Â
After reading the new EGM where they say the Wiimote cant tell the differance between short strokes and long strokes kinda sucks. This may factor in to what you are talking about. You can move the controller 1 inch or a full swing in every game and it registers th same. Oh well I love my Wii anyway. Now back to play PM:TTYD. Great gamerockydog1111
Yeah? So whats stopping them from making one button for a lunging/long shot/stab? I admit there are some flaws, but a lot of things can be worked around... If Developers take them time to make it completely functional, that is.
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