- SLAMMIN23’s Activity
I just was able to order the disc drive at my best buy store before it sold out earlier today.
I must be lucky so far i never experienced stick drift in any of mu ps4 or ps5 controllers so far that i know of.
Best ps5 game period wow what a game.
- User Rating 10
Everything in this one is alot more fluid and plays awesome everything is really smooth game of the year in my opinion boss battles are great and the new webwing is awesome going through the city like...
Sold out at best buy at least in my area it says coming soon now im happy i ordered it when i did.
@chubby170: LOL i will probably pre-order it next week.
@Slannmage:Then don't play it wait till wolverine comes out that might intrest u more.
@jenovaschilld: Sale starts august 6th
@Barighm: the sale starts Aug 6th.
@shamatuu257: the sale starts Sunday for target
One update i want to see is the ablility like we could on the ps4 is use a external ssd to play ps5 games not just store them but have the ability to do both internal and external ssd.
@esqueejy: The ps5 plates u can buy seperately and the dualsense spiderman controller so u can buy both seperate they just didnt reveal the price yet for them.
You should have the option to unlock these rewards not be required to i whish the supercharger would actually unlock everything in this game like the accelerator did i didn't like that about wwe 2k22 ...
@restatbonfire: i don't have a switch but thats what im hearing about metroid i agree i prefer physical to over digital.
@restatbonfire: I do that cause my best buy does not always have the games in stock at the store on release date but when i pre-order it and have it shipped to my house i always get them on release da...
I liked the way this game looked im just waiting to pre-order it on ps5 i like that they have a day and night cycle from the looks of it on here.
@DarkShadowGod:The game is open world unlike avengers game.
This is a open world game like the batman games i believe just based in metropolis.
I would still like to play as aloy in this co-op game make a open world horizon co-op game would be nice.
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