Man! I just came from my Visual Basic final exam. And wow I just got demoslished, bambozooled... what am I saying!? It was more like a r.ape! Well, it wasn't r.ape but you get what I'm saying.
I read the exam and it was all so easy... I had just done something very much like that test before the test as a drill test of my own. What happened is that they gave us an hour to do it and I swear to God, I didn't stop in that whole hour and man that thing went by like for 30 minutes for some reason.
Long story short... out of 15 students in my c.lass:
- 14 flunked the test
- 1 passed but only because he wrote on the PC the fastest... and even he didn't finish the exam.
- I knew as much as that guy knew and I didn't write that fast. I just needed more time :cry:
Man this is like the saddest grade I've ever gotten I feel like... like... I feel like crap. Now I have to go and take a Substitute Test to win over that last grade next Monday and pay like 10 bucks to do it or else I have to wait till I can take the subject on Sundays.
What's worse is that the teacher said I was copying... WTF!!! I was in front of you at a 10 inch (more or less) of distance. Where and how could I have done this? Literally he was sitting on the same desk but on the opposite side.
Can someone who has more then a year in college tell me if this is normal or is it just me?
P.S. By the way I have no time to do anything and I'm writing this blog liek at 10 minutes from arriving home and as quickly as possible. So I'm sorry if I'm commenting on blogs lately. I can't even read my email ye. That thing must be full.
See Ya.