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locoroco preview

i must say, i was not impreesed with this game at this years E3, but i got a chance to play the real demo! and now i can't wait for this game to come out! locoroco has simple controls and a loveable charecter, locoroco. locorocos are blobs that lives on a un-name planet, the story to locoroco is also simple, cretures known as "mojas" (moo-ja) are eating all the locos. and it's up to you save them. how? by tilting, bounceing, and shakeing the planet. you play as the planet, yes the locos planet. you'll use the psps shoulder buttons to tilt the pla...ah...yourself and move the locos. by holding both shoulder buttons down and releasing it will make the roco "jump". htap the "o" button and thunder will scare the roco to split into mini-rocos. hold the o button and you'll make an earthquake and the rocos will come together and form a bigger loco. while you're doing all this the little roco will sing. nice huh? the demo was fun and simple. with luminese 2 coming out this year it seems the psp will be a colorful "toy" this christmas. i'll have the review for locoroco later this year.