I will be honest, I am around 3 days late with this post, considering my Birthday was December 3rd, but what the hell, I will post it anyways. Anyway, I am now 15 years old which is still pretty young compared to most people on this site :x
As far as presents go, it isn't 100% confirmed on what I will be getting. However, I am 99.9% sure it will look something like this...
The time to upgrade has arrived. The one I will be getting will be a 46" Sony Bravia with 1080p at 120 Htz and as an added bonus, my parents will also get a 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker system. As far as gaming is concerned, I will have to get component cables for my Wii and can only hope it doesn't look bad on an HDTV which it shouldn't. It should look better. Anyway I am so happy :D