Happy New Year 2009 fellow Gamespotters :D. I hope this year goes by very well however I still have things I would like to improve. First off, get better grades in school, I want straight A's damnit :evil:! Other than that I am good. I will try to comment more on your blogs. Currently my policy is thatif you visited my blog, I visit yours. Also, I comment on the 5 most recent blogs GS shows on the right side of my profile. The only thing that made 2009 get off to a rocky start was my moderation, I went down a level for posting a picture of Travis Touchdown on a toilet D: Well anyway since this is a gaming website, I might as well tell you what I am most hyped about in 2009.
Here it goes in order...
1. Punchout!!
2. Starcraft 2
3. MadWorld
4. Muramasa: The Demon Blade
5. Empire: Total War
These are my top five picks for now. There are many others believe you me. For Q1 I plan on purchasing 2 games for the Wii and here they are.
1. MadWorld
2. Little Kings Story
I am also looking forward to House of the Dead: Overkill and Sonic and the Black Knight (There is still a chance it will be good). This can change but these 2 games are for now on my must buy list for Q1 2009. Mario and Luigi 3 might also make this list. It looks like it will be a good year for gaming and I hope you enjoy it. Once again, Happy New Year from SMR :D
P.S. Also, be sure to check out my Call of Duty: World at War review. Be sure to comment and critique.