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7th Entry

Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'll mostly get the old games before the new since they would cost less.

Currently Playing: Grandia

At: Virgin Forest

OMG!!! I just got to the second disk of Grandia, this is the first time I got to the second disk in a game.

I'm so excited. :D

 Ok now, since the last post I have also played a little of Tactics Ogre and Vagrant, and a few hours of Fire Emblem. Out of those three games I like Fire Emblem the most but I should play the others a little longer before I make I finally decision on which I like best.I also had I little trouble with my Vagrant disk and had to get I knew one.

:evil: I'm writing this as I play Grandia and the music inside the Virgin Forest is giving me a huge headache. gah! 

6th Entry

Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Fire Emblem, Vagrant Story, & Grandia

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'll mostly get the old games before the new since they would cost less.

Currently Playing: Wild Arms

At: Tripillar


                 I LOVE Christmas.


    Today I got those three games, a 100 dollar gift cards to EB Games & Borders, and a 50 dollar gift card to fye.

      I originally wanted Lunar: The star story but my mom could not find it. But these games are going to be good anyway. I think I'll start a few today; maybe Fire Emblem and Vagrant Story. I hope I like Fire Emblem since it is a turn-based strategy, I'm not sure I'll like it. 

5th Entry


Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Wild Arms, Thousand Arms, Parasite Eve, & Xenogears

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'll mostly get the old games before the new since they would cost less.

Currently Playing: Xenogears

At: In Shevat

   Since my last post I got a lot more games, not just the ones I had put up there, actually I can't remember the new games I have gotten since my last post.


   The reason I have gotten so many new games since the last post is because I started work. My mom had me working as a cashier at Waldbaums not even a week after my birthday.


     Also since last time I have gotten a few PS & PS2 memory cards and played my new games. Some of which I have not even started yet; Wild Arms and Phantom Brave are two of them. Some other games I did not play for two hours yet; while others, such as Xenogears & Chrono Cross, I have played over twenty hours. 

Fouth Entry

Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: The Legend of Dragoon

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'm mostly aiming for the newer releales but I'll most likly be getting the older, old, games.

Currently Playing: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

At: The 2nd year; summer

Since my last post I put in some time with Harvest Moon. I didn't get as much as I expected I would considering it was my 16th birthday. I think I got less then I did last year. :(

I got Dragoon today at eb, one of the lowest scored games I have, hope it's going to be ok. Not going be being playing it for awhile I want to get to the third year of Harvest Moon and once I switch to another game I usally don't get back to another game I have for awhile. Plus I have to get a new PS & PS2 memory card, I'm pretty much out of free space in the ones a have.


Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list; who knows my b-day is coming up. My 16th at that. I should be able to get a few new releases out of and/or a lot of older ones. Last year, if I remember correctly, I got my Final Fantasy games the two on the PS. This year has a lot of possibilities.


Currently Playing: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

At: The 1st year of summer

Since my last post I put in some time in with Summoner. I had returned to that big city after getting the stone ring; I haven't yet gotten the fire ring. Know I'm playing Harvest Moon: Back to Nature which I got on Saturday (4/09/05). My grandmother bought it for me. ~ I really love being spoiled~


2nd Entry

Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Summoner

Games that I'm going to try to get: shin *something* (looks interesting), and Shadow Hearts c*somethng* (If I ever finish the first Shadow Hearts), Harvest Moon (the PS one), and all the other games on my wish list.


Currently Playing: Summoner

At: Starting

Since my last post I got Growlanser Generations and started playing it. I'm now near the end of Growlanser: The Sense of Justice and I'm not even an hour into Growlanser:The Dual Darkness. I then switched to Star Ocean and I just got Yuri back. Now I'm going to start Summoner.

First Entry

Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Star Ocean

Currently Playing: Star Ocean

At: the dragon doors

Games that I'm going to try to get: shin *something* ~ looks interesting, and Shadow Hearts c*somethng* ~ If I ever finish the first Shadow Hearts