Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny
Most recent addition to my collection: Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'll mostly get the old games before the new since they would cost less.
Currently Playing: Grandia
At: Virgin Forest
OMG!!! I just got to the second disk of Grandia, this is the first time I got to the second disk in a game.
I'm so excited. :D
Ok now, since the last post I have also played a little of Tactics Ogre and Vagrant, and a few hours of Fire Emblem. Out of those three games I like Fire Emblem the most but I should play the others a little longer before I make I finally decision on which I like best.I also had I little trouble with my Vagrant disk and had to get I knew one.
:evil: I'm writing this as I play Grandia and the music inside the Virgin Forest is giving me a huge headache. gah!
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