SNJ / Member

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5th Entry


Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny

Most recent addition to my collection: Wild Arms, Thousand Arms, Parasite Eve, & Xenogears

Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'll mostly get the old games before the new since they would cost less.

Currently Playing: Xenogears

At: In Shevat

   Since my last post I got a lot more games, not just the ones I had put up there, actually I can't remember the new games I have gotten since my last post.


   The reason I have gotten so many new games since the last post is because I started work. My mom had me working as a cashier at Waldbaums not even a week after my birthday.


     Also since last time I have gotten a few PS & PS2 memory cards and played my new games. Some of which I have not even started yet; Wild Arms and Phantom Brave are two of them. Some other games I did not play for two hours yet; while others, such as Xenogears & Chrono Cross, I have played over twenty hours.