Games Finished: Shadows of Destiny
Most recent addition to my collection: The Legend of Dragoon
Games that I'm going to try to get: All the games on my wish list. I'm mostly aiming for the newer releales but I'll most likly be getting the older, old, games.
Currently Playing: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
At: The 2nd year; summer
Since my last post I put in some time with Harvest Moon. I didn't get as much as I expected I would considering it was my 16th birthday. I think I got less then I did last year. :(
I got Dragoon today at eb, one of the lowest scored games I have, hope it's going to be ok. Not going be being playing it for awhile I want to get to the third year of Harvest Moon and once I switch to another game I usally don't get back to another game I have for awhile. Plus I have to get a new PS & PS2 memory card, I'm pretty much out of free space in the ones a have.